Upcoming Events at the LPC

Please consult the indicated INDICO pages for agendas, connections, and other details. In case of questions, please contact the LPC Coordinators:

Meenakshi Narain - narain@hep.brown.edu
Boaz Klima - klima@fnal.gov

Rest of this Month (January 2015)

CMS Data Analysis School (12-16 January 2015) at LPC, Fermilab - Boaz Klima (Fermilab), Sudhir Malik (UPRM), Meenakshi Narain (Brown) - Agenda

Wine and Cheese Seminar (16 January 2015) - New Physics from CMS: Hints from Run 1 and Prospects for Run 2 - JP Chou (Rutgers University)

LPC Coffee Hour (21 January 2015) - "History leading to building Tevatron at Fermilab" - John Peoples (Fermilab) - Info

February 2015

Topic of the Week (10 February 2015) - "New Physics targets for LHC Run 2" - LianTao Wang (University of Chicago) - Agenda

LPC Coffee Hour (11 February 2015) - "Potential New Physics at Run 2" - Roni Harnik (Fermilab) - Info

LPC Physics Forum (12 February 2015) - Agenda

Topic of the Week (17 February 2015) - "New experiments and tools for old and new physics" - Itay Yavin (McMaster University / Perimeter Institute) - Agenda

Beyond February 2015

Topic of the Week (4 March 2015) - "Accelerator physics" - Valeri Lebedev (Fermilab) - Info

Topic of the Week (18 March 2015) - "Data scouting for discovery of low energy new phenomena " - Maurizio Pierini (CERN) - Info

Wine and Cheese Seminar (20 March 2015) - TBD

Topic of the Week (7 April 2015) - "LIGO" - Alan Weinstein (CalTech) - Info

Monte Carlo Tools for Physics Beyond Standard Model - MC4BSM Workshop@ LPC (18-20 May 2015) - (pending DOE approval) - NOTE: Since this is an open-to-all workshop and CMS institutes cannot use funds parked at FNAL to make any travel arrangements.

LPC HATS (21 May 2015) - Follow-on to MC4BSM: CMS Generator Tutorials - Agenda

Editor - Sudhir Malik(UPRM) - malik@fnal.gov