LPC Fellows



Roberto Rossin

What I will be working on:

I will be primarily concentrating on CMS data analysis, particularly on the search for direct stop quark pair production with decay of the stop via either a top quark or intermediate chargino. This work could be extended to other searches over the course of the year as results dictate. This work expands upon the first CMS search for stop-stop direct production in all-hadronic final state I already performed with 2011 data. Depending on what is learned, follow-up studies will be performed targeting late Summer - Autumn completion.

My role in CMS past and present:

I joined CMS in 2007. I have been responsible for the design of the Physics Datasets before the startup of LHC. I was Trigger Menu Development co-convener during the first two years of data taking. During that period the accelerator increased the instantaneous luminosity by four orders of magnitude and CMS successfully deployed more than ten major trigger tables. Since 2007 I worked on the design and then execution of searches for BSM physics with Missing Transverse Energy (MET) in the final state, in particular on the the MET+jets analysis with the 36 pb-1 data sample (JHEP 1108 (2011) 155) and its extension with the 1 fb-1 data set. During the first two years of data taking I have been also co-convener of the SUSY hadronic subgroup (which included all the beyond SM physics searches with MET and no leptons). I then started working on the search for direct stop quark pair production in the all-hadronic final state. The analysis has been completed on the 7 TeV dataset (CMS-PAS-SUS-11-030).