LPC Fellows



Kristian Hahn



What I will be working on:

As an LPC fellow I will focus on searches for physics beyond the standard model. I am specifically interested in final states that include substantial missing transverse energy (MET) + leptons. I will work on characterizing and improving reconstruction/identification/trigger efficiencies for very high-pT leptons and the accuracy of MET reconstruction in events with significant pile-up/sumET as these will directly impact the sensitiviy of the MET+l+X search program.

My role in CMS past and present:

I played a leading role in the commissioning of the CMS strip tracker from 2006-2008 and served as co-coordinator of the T1 reprocessing task in CMS data operations from 2008 through 2010. I was a central contributor to the CMS measurements of the inclusive W/Z cross sections and focused on the W->e/nu channel.