![]() | Bulletin no. 26 |
September 16 to October 15, 2015 |
Please consult the indicated INDICO pages for agendas, connections, and other details. In case of questions, please contact the LPC Coordinators: Meenakshi Narain - narain at hep.brown.edu Boaz Klima - klima at fnal.gov |
Add LPC events to my Google Calendar |
September 2015 |
Physics Forum (September 17, 2015. 1 pm) - Info "First SUSY (RA2b) results from 13 TeV" - Sam Bein (FSU) "Recent HE test beam results" - Joe Pastika (Baylor) |
Run2 Discussion Groups, Week 5 (September 18, 2015. 2 pm) - Indico Agenda "Triggers, lepton ID (e/mu/tau)" - Edward Laird (Brown), Lovedeep Saini (FSU), Si Xie (Caltech), Leonard Spiegel (Fermilab) |
Run2 Discussion Groups, Week 6 (Setember 21, 2015. 12 pm) - Indico Agenda "b/t/H/W/Z tagging" - James Dolen (SUNY Buffalo), Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), Meenakshi Narain (Brown) |
Paris Sphicas at the LPC (September 29, 2015. 1:30 pm) - Indico Agenda "CMS: where we are, where we're going" - Paris Sphicas (Athens & CERN) |
Topic of the Week (September 29, 2015. 3 pm) - Info "Future Colliders" - Dmitri Denisov (Fermilab) |
October 2015 |
Physics Forum (October 1, 2015. 1 pm) - Info "The Fast Tracker at ATLAS" - Jamie Saxon (U. of Chicago) "CMS AM-based L1 track triger for Phase-2" - Sergo Jindariani (Fermilab) |
Run2 Discussion Groups, Week 7 (October 2, 2015. 1 pm) - Indico Agenda "Triggers, lepton ID (e/mu/tau)" - Edward Laird (Brown), Lovedeep Saini (FSU), Si Xie (Caltech), Leonard Spiegel (Fermilab) |
Paris Sphicas at the LPC (October 2, 2015. 2 pm) - Indico Agenda "A week at the LPC: a short memoir" - Paris Sphicas (Athens & CERN) |
Wine and Cheese Seminar (October 2, 2015. 4 pm) - Info "Summary of LHC results from HLCP2015 and outlook" - Paris Sphicas (Athens & CERN) |
Coffee Hour (October 7, 2015. 1 pm) - Info "Model Building for Run2 of the LHC" - Patrick Fox (Fermilab) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (October 12, 2015. 12 pm) - Indico Agenda "b/t/H/W/Z tagging" - Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), James Dolen (SUNY Buffalo), Meenakshi Narain (Brown) |
Computing Techniques Seminar (October 13, 2015. 1 pm) - Info "Current Status and Future Plans for CMS DAQ" - Remi Mommsen (Fermilab) |
Topic of the Week (October 13, 2015. 3 pm) - Info "Neutrino Physics" - AndrĂ© de GouvĂȘa (Northwester |
Run2 Discussion Groups (October 14, 2015. 1 pm) - Indico Agenda "Jets (including substructure), Missing Et, pileup" - Jordan Damgov (Texas Tech U.), Ben Kreis (Fermilab), Salvatore Rappoccio (SUNY Buffalo) |
Physics Forum (October 15, 2015. 1 pm) - Info "Review of CMS Phase 2 Upgrades" - Paris Sphicas (Athens & CERN) Cancelled |