![]() | Bulletin no. 38 |
September 16, 2016 to October 15, 2016 |
Please consult the indicated INDICO pages for agendas, connections, and other details. In case of questions, please contact the LPC Coordinators: Meenakshi Narain - narain at hep.brown.edu Boaz Klima - klima at fnal.gov |
Add LPC events to my Google Calendar |
September 2016 |
Run2 Discussion Groups (September 19, 2016. 12pm) - Indico Agenda "Jets (including substructure), Missing Et, pileup" - Jordan Damgov (Texas Tech U.), Ben Kreis (Fermilab), Salvatore Rappoccio (SUNY Buffalo) |
Special Workshop (September 22-23, 2016. 12pm) - Indico Agenda "Beyond Leading Order Calculations on HPCs" - Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy (Fermilab) and Taylor Childers (Argonne) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (September 26, 2016. 12pm) - Indico Agenda "b/t/H/W/Z tagging" - James Dolen (SUNY Buffalo), Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), Meenakshi Narain (Brown) |
Topic of the Week (September 27, 2016. 3pm) - Info "SUSY (including pMSSM)" - Carlos Wagner (U. of Chicago) |
Coffee Hour (September 28, 2016. 1pm) - Info "Studies related to gender and geographic diversity in the ATLAS Collaboration" Beate Heinemann (DESY and University of Freiburg) |
HCAL DPG at the LPC (September 29-30, 2016) - Indico Agenda Kenichi Hatakeyama (Baylor) and John Paul Chou (Rutgers) |
October 2016 |
Run2 Discussion Groups (October 3, 2016. 12pm) - Indico Agenda "Jets (including substructure), Missing Et, pileup" - Jordan Damgov (Texas Tech U.), Ben Kreis (Fermilab), Salvatore Rappoccio (SUNY Buffalo) |
Physics Forum (October 6, 2016. 1pm) - Info "B physics in CMS, 4-lepton low mass excess" - Kai Yi (U. of Iowa) “B hadron lifetime measurement” - Jhovanny Mejia (CINVESTAV) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (October 10, 2016. 12pm) - Indico Agenda "b/t/H/W/Z tagging" - James Dolen (SUNY Buffalo), Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), Meenakshi Narain (Brown) |
Topic of the Week (October 12, 2016. 3pm) - Info "EWK SUSY from ATLAS" - Ben Hooberman (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) |