![]() | Bulletin no. 39 |
October 16, 2016 to November 15, 2016 |
Please consult the indicated INDICO pages for agendas, connections, and other details. In case of questions, please contact the LPC Coordinators: Meenakshi Narain - narain at hep.brown.edu Boaz Klima - klima at fnal.gov |
Add LPC events to my Google Calendar |
October 2016 |
Run2 Discussion Groups (October 17, 2016. 12pm) - Indico Agenda "Jets (including substructure), Missing Et, pileup" - Jordan Damgov (Texas Tech U.), Ben Kreis (Fermilab), Salvatore Rappoccio (SUNY Buffalo) |
Special Workshop (October 17-21, 2016) - Indico Agenda "INFIERI 8th workshop" - Petra Merkel (Fermilab), Aurore Savoy-Navarro (LPNHE,U. P. et M. Curie,CNRS-IN2P3) |
Topic of the Week (October 18, 2016. 3pm) - Info "Higgs Exotic, displaced" - Jessie Shelton (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) |
Physics Forum (October 20, 2016. 1pm) - Info "LDMX" - Philip Schuster (SLAC) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (October 24, 2016. 12pm) - Indico Agenda "b/t/H/W/Z tagging" - James Dolen (SUNY Buffalo), Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), Meenakshi Narain (Brown) |
Topic of the Week (October 25, 2016. 3pm) - Info "Di-Higgs" - Felix Yu (U. Mainz) |
CRAB3 HATS@LPC (October 26, 2016. 1pm) - Indico Agenda Marco Mascheroni (Fermilab), Alexx Perloff (Texas A&M), Eric Vaandering (Fermilab) |
Special Event (October 27-28, 2016) - Indico Agenda "Phase 2 Readiness for Physics with Full Simulation at the LPC" - Patrizia Azzi (INFN Padova) and Meenakshi Narain (Brown) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (October 31, 2016. 12pm) - Indico Agenda "Jets (including substructure), Missing Et, pileup" - Jordan Damgov (Texas Tech U.), Ben Kreis (Fermilab), Salvatore Rappoccio (SUNY Buffalo) |
Coffee Hour (October 31, 2016. 1:30pm) - Info "Probing New Physics with Higgs" - Marcela Carena (Fermilab) and Zhen Liu (Fermilab) |
November 2016 |
Physics Forum (November 3, 2016. 1pm) - Info "Dimuon 29 GeV excess: models & techniques" - Nathaniel Odell (Northwestern University) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (November 7, 2016. 12pm) - Indico Agenda "b/t/H/W/Z tagging" - James Dolen (SUNY Buffalo), Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), Meenakshi Narain (Brown) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (November 14, 2016. 12pm) - Indico Agenda "b/t/H/W/Z tagging" - James Dolen (SUNY Buffalo), Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), Meenakshi Narain (Brown) |