Upcoming Events at the LPC

Please consult the indicated INDICO pages for agendas, connections, and other details. In case of questions, please contact the LPC Coordinators:

Rick Cavanaugh - cavanaug@fnal.gov
Meenakshi Narain - narain@hep.brown.edu
Boaz Klima - klima@fnal.gov

Rest of this Month (November 2013)

LPC Workshop (15-16 November 2013) - "Combined Forward Calorimeter (CFC)" - Agenda

Topic of the Week (19 November 2013) - "Introduction to direct detection of dark matter" - Hugh Lippincott (FNAL) - Agenda

HATS@LPC (20 November 2013) - "Modern tools for interactive analysis" - Marco De Mattia (Purdue) - Agenda

LPC Physics Forum (21 November 2013) - Agenda

December 2013

Topic of the Week (3 December 2013) - "New signatures of dark matter at the LHC" - LianTao Wang (University of Chicago) - Agenda

[CMS Week@CERN (9-13 December 2013)] - Agenda (TBD)

Beyond December 2013

CMS Data Analysis School (CMSDAS) at Fermilab (7-11 January 2014) - Agenda

JetMET Workshop (27-28 January 2014) - Agenda

Topic of the Week (Week of 17 February 2014) - "TBD" - Frank Petrillo (Northwestern University) - Agenda

[CMS Physics Week@CERN (24-28 February 2014)] - Agenda (TBD)

Editor - Sudhir Malik - malik@fnal.gov