![]() | Bulletin no. 107 |
June 16, 2022 to July 15, 2022 |
Please consult the indicated INDICO pages for agendas, connections, and other details. In case of questions, please contact the LPC Coordinators: Bo Jayatilaka - boj at fnal.gov Kevin Black - kblack at hep.wisc.edu |
Add LPC events to my Google Calendar |
June 2022 |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* LPC Computing Discussion Group (June 17, 2022; 10am-11am; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda David Mason (Fermilab), Ryan Mueller (Texas A&M), Marguerite Tonjes (U. Illinois Chicago) |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* LPC Journal Club (June 21, 2022; 12pm, Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Info Alexx Perloff (U. Colorado Boulder), Daniel Spitzbart (Boston U.) |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* DR Office Hours (June 22, 2022; 3:30pm-4pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Category Fengwangdong Zhang (UC Davis), Jingyu Zhang (Florida State U.) |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* Git/GitHub HATS@LPC (June 23, 2022; 10am; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda |
*HYBRID REMOTE+IN-PERSON* Physics Forum (June 23, 2022; 1pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Info "Event Generators for High-Energy Physics Experiments" - Joshua Isaacson (Fermilab) |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* Container HATS@LPC (June 24, 2022; 10am; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* DR Office Hours (June 29, 2022; 3:30pm-4pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Category Fengwangdong Zhang (UC Davis), Jingyu Zhang (Florida State U.) | July 2022 |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* ML HATS@LPC (July 12, 2022; 10am; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* Topic of the Week (July 12, 2022; 3:00pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Info "SUSY,(death), and robots" - Andrew Whitbeck (Texas Tech U.) |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* DR Office Hours (July 13, 2022; 3:30pm-4pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Category Fengwangdong Zhang (UC Davis), Jingyu Zhang (Florida State U.) |
*HYBRID REMOTE+IN-PERSON* Physics Forum (July 14, 2022; 4pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Info "Machine Learning for LHC Simulations" - Raghav Kansal (UC San Diego) |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* GPUs with Python HATS@LPC (July 15, 2022; 10am; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* Higgs@10 Event (July 15, 2022) - Indico Agenda Pushpa Bhat (Fermilab), Anadi Canepa (Fermilab) |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* Wine and Cheese Seminar (June 15, 2022; 4:00pm; One West WH1W and Zoom) - Info "The Higgs discovery, what we know now and the future" - Christoph Paus (MIT) |