![]() | Bulletin no. 108 |
July 16, 2022 to August 15, 2022 |
Please consult the indicated INDICO pages for agendas, connections, and other details. In case of questions, please contact the LPC Coordinators: Bo Jayatilaka - boj at fnal.gov Kevin Black - kblack at hep.wisc.edu |
Add LPC events to my Google Calendar |
July 2022 |
*REMOTE ONLY* LPC Physics Analysis Discussion (July 18, 2022; 1:00pm) - Indico Agenda "Jets, MET, PU, b/t/H/W/Z tagging, Triggers, Lepton ID, Machine Learning, Generators" |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* LPC Journal Club (July 19, 2022; 12pm, Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Info Alexx Perloff (U. Colorado Boulder), Daniel Spitzbart (Boston U.) |
*HCANCELLED* LPC Computing Discussion Group (July 20, 2022; 10am-11am; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda David Mason (Fermilab), Ryan Mueller (Texas A&M), Marguerite Tonjes (U. Illinois Chicago) |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* DR Office Hours (July 20, 2022; 3:30pm-4pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Category Fengwangdong Zhang (UC Davis), Jingyu Zhang (Florida State U.) |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* DR Office Hours (July 27, 2022; 3:30pm-4pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Category Fengwangdong Zhang (UC Davis), Jingyu Zhang (Florida State U.) |
*HYBRID REMOTE+IN-PERSON* Physics Forum (July 28, 2022; 4pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Info "Monte Carlo simulation in CMS" - Saptaparna Bhattacharya (Northwestern U.) | August 2022 |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* Uproot HATS@LPC (August 1, 2022; 10am; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda |
*HYBRID REMOTE+IN-PERSON* LPC Physics Analysis Discussion (August 1, 2022; 1:00pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda "Jets, MET, PU, b/t/H/W/Z tagging, Triggers, Lepton ID, Machine Learning, Generators" |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* LPC Journal Club (August 2, 2022; 12pm, Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Info Alexx Perloff (U. Colorado Boulder), Daniel Spitzbart (Boston U.) |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* Columnar Analysis Techniques HATS@LPC (August 3, 2022; 10am; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* DR Office Hours (August 3, 2022; 3:30pm-4pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Category Fengwangdong Zhang (UC Davis), Jingyu Zhang (Florida State U.) |
*HYBRID REMOTE+IN-PERSON* Physics Forum (August 4, 2022; 4pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Info "Search for low mass dark photons radiated from a muon using the CMS Detector" - Yao Yao (UC Davis) "Search for ttHH with the CMS detector at LHC Run 2" - Wei Wei (UC Davis) |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* Particle Flow Lego HATS@LPC (August 5, 2022; **8:30am**; Sunrise WH11NE, West Wing WH10NW and Zoom) - Indico Agenda |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* Effective Scale Out Techniques HATS@LPC (August 8, 2022; 10am; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* Topic of the Week (August 9, 2022; 3:00pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Info "Heavy neutral leptons at the lifetime frontier" - Juan Carlos Helo (La Serena U.) |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* CUDA for GPU Programming I HATS@LPC (August 10, 2022; 10am; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* DR Office Hours (August 10, 2022; 3:30pm-4pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Category Fengwangdong Zhang (UC Davis), Jingyu Zhang (Florida State U.) |
*HYBRID IN-PERSON+REMOTE* CUDA for GPU Programming II HATS@LPC (August 11, 2022; 10am; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda |
*HYBRID REMOTE+IN-PERSON* Physics Forum (August 11, 2022; 4pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Info "Observation of new structures in the J/psiJ/psi mass spectrum in pp collisions at sqrt{s}=13TeV" - Kai Yi (Tsinghua U.) |
*HYBRID REMOTE+IN-PERSON* LPC Physics Analysis Discussion (August 15, 2022; 1:00pm; Sunset (WH11SW) and Zoom) - Indico Agenda "Jets, MET, PU, b/t/H/W/Z tagging, Triggers, Lepton ID, Machine Learning, Generators" |