Bulletin no. 130
May 16, 2024 to June 15, 2024
All LPC events are held in hybrid (in person and remote) format unless otherwise specified.
Please consult the indicated INDICO pages for agendas, connections, and other details. In case of questions, please contact the LPC Coordinators:

Bo Jayatilaka - boj at fnal.gov
Kevin Black - kblack at hep.wisc.edu
Add LPC events to my Google Calendar

May 2024
LPC Physics Analysis Discussion (May 20, 2024; *NEW TIME and different room 12:00pm*; Pileup WH11NW and Zoom) - Indico Agenda
    "Jets, MET, PU, b/t/H/W/Z tagging, Triggers, Lepton ID, Machine Learning, Generators"
DR Office Hours (May 20, 2024; 3:30pm-4pm; Pileup (WH11NW))
     LPC 2024 DRs
LPC Computing Discussion Group (May 22, 2024; 2pm-3pm; *Different room* Pileup WH11NW and Zoom) - Indico Category
     David Mason (Fermilab), Connor Moore (Notre Dame), Marguerite Tonjes (U. Illinois Chicago)
Wine and Cheese Seminar (May 24, 2024; 4:00pm; One West WH1W and Zoom) - Info
     “Model agnostic searches for dijet resonances in CMS” - Oz Amram (FNAL)
USCMS PURSUE intern talk - open to all (May 29, 2024; 1:00pm-2:30pm; One West WH1W) - Indico
     “P5 Report: The future of particle physics” - Tulika Bose (Wisconsin)
June 2024
LPC Physics Analysis Discussion (June 3, 2024; *NEW TIME 12:00pm*; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda
    "Jets, MET, PU, b/t/H/W/Z tagging, Triggers, Lepton ID, Machine Learning, Generators"
DR Office Hours (June 3, 2024; 3:30pm-4pm; *Location change:* Sunrise WH11NE)
     LPC 2024 DRs
USCMS PURSUE intern talk - open to all (June 3, 2024; 4:00pm-5:00pm; (Curia II-WH2SW) - Indico
     “How to do Particle Physics in a Climate Emergency?” - Ken Bloom (Nebraska)
LPC Computing Discussion Group June 5, 2024; 2pm-3pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Category
     David Mason (Fermilab), Connor Moore (Notre Dame), Marguerite Tonjes (U. Illinois Chicago)
DR Office Hours (June 10, 2024; 3:30pm-4pm; Wilson Hall Pileup (WH11NW))
     LPC 2024 DRs
LPC Journal Club (June 11, 2024; 12pm, Pileup (WH11NW) and Zoom) - Info
     Jennet Dickinson (Fermilab) and Marko Stamenkovic (Brown)
Physics Forum (June 13, 2024; 1pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Info
    "SH resonant searches with ATLAS" - Laura Sanchez (SLAC)

Editors - Gabriele Benelli - (gbenelli at fnal dot gov), Marguerite Tonjes - (tonjes at fnal dot gov)