![]() | Bulletin no. 45 |
April 16, 2017 to May 15, 2017 |
Please consult the indicated INDICO pages for agendas, connections, and other details. In case of questions, please contact the LPC Coordinators: Cecilia Gerber - gerber at fnal.gov Boaz Klima - klima at fnal.gov |
Add LPC events to my Google Calendar |
April 2017 |
Run2 Discussion Groups (April 17, 2017; 12pm) - Indico Agenda "Jets (including substructure), Missing Et, pileup" - Jordan Damgov (Texas Tech U.), Ben Kreis (Fermilab), Salvatore Rappoccio (SUNY Buffalo) |
DR Office Hours (April 17, 2017; 3:30-4:00pm; WH11X) - Info |
Topic of the Week (April 18, 2017; 3pm) - Info "Higgs Measurements in LHC Run 2" - Andrei Gritsan (Johns Hopkins U.) |
PyRoot and rootpy HATS@LPC (April 19, 2017) - Indico Agenda John Hakala (Brown U.), Andrew Melo (Vanderbilt U.), Ashley Parker (SUNY Buffalo), Jim Pivarski (Princeton U.), Basil Schneider (Fermilab), Mauro Verzetti (Rochester U.) |
Physics Forum (April 20, 2017; 1pm) - Info "HEPCloud" - Burt Holzman (Fermilab) |
Wine and Cheese Seminar (April 21, 2017; 4pm) - Info "Winter 2017 Results from CMS" - Jim Hirschauer (Fermilab) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (April 24, 2017; 12pm) - Indico Agenda "b/t/H/W/Z tagging" - James Dolen (SUNY Buffalo), Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), Justin Pilot (U.C. Davis) |
DR Office Hours (April 24, 2017; 3:30-4:00pm; WH11X) - Info |
Topic of the Week (April 25, 2017; 3pm) - Info "ttH and single top+H" - Chris Neu (U. of Virginia) |
Histogrammar HATS@LPC (April 26, 2017) - Indico Agenda John Hakala (Brown U.), Andrew Melo (Vanderbilt U.), Ashley Parker (SUNY Buffalo), Jim Pivarski (Princeton U.), Basil Schneider (Fermilab), Mauro Verzetti (Rochester U.) |
HEP Analysis in the Python Ecosystem HATS@LPC (April 27, 2017) - Indico Agenda John Hakala (Brown U.), Andrew Melo (Vanderbilt U.), Ashley Parker (SUNY Buffalo), Jim Pivarski (Princeton U.), Basil Schneider (Fermilab), Mauro Verzetti (Rochester U.) |
LPC Computing Discussion Group (April 28, 2017; 1pm) - Indico Agenda David Mason (Fermilab), Ryan Mueller (Texas A&M), Marguerite Tonjes (U. Illinois Chicago) |
May 2017 |
Physics Forum (May 4, 2017; 1pm) - Info "HEP.TrkX Project: deep learning for CMS tracking" - Dustin Anderson (CalTech) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (May 5, 2017; 2pm) - Indico Agenda
"Triggers, lepton ID (e/mu/tau) - Muon Reconstruction" - Doug Berry (UIC), Abdollah Mohammadi (Kansas State), Norbert Neumeister (Purdue) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (May 8, 2017; 12pm) - Indico Agenda "b/t/H/W/Z tagging" - James Dolen (SUNY Buffalo), Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), Justin Pilot (U.C. Davis) |
Topic of the Week (May 9, 2017; 3pm) - Info Joshua Thomas Ruderman (NYU) |
LPC Computing Discussion Group (May 12, 2017; 1pm) - Indico Agenda David Mason (Fermilab), Ryan Mueller (Texas A&M), Marguerite Tonjes (U. Illinois Chicago) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (May 15, 2017; 12pm) - Indico Agenda "Jets (including substructure), Missing Et, pileup" - Jordan Damgov (Texas Tech U.), Ben Kreis (Fermilab), Alexx Perloff (Texas A&M) |
Machine Learning HATS@LPC Session I (May 15, 2017) - Indico Agenda Josh Bendavid (CERN), Javier Duarte (Fermilab), John Hakala (Brown U.), Andrew Melo (Vanderbilt U.), Ashley Parker (SUNY Buffalo), Maurizio Pierini (CERN), Jim Pivarski (Princeton U.), Basil Schneider (Fermilab), Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), Mauro Verzetti (Rochester U.), Jean-Roch Vlimant (CalTech) |
DR Office Hours (May 15, 2017; 3:30-4:00pm; WH11X) - Info |