![]() | Bulletin no. 52 |
November 16, 2017 to December 15, 2017 |
Please consult the indicated INDICO pages for agendas, connections, and other details. In case of questions, please contact the LPC Coordinators: Cecilia Gerber - gerber at fnal.gov Boaz Klima - klima at fnal.gov |
Add LPC events to my Google Calendar |
November 2017 |
Physics Forum (November 16, 2017; 1pm) - Info "Long-lived particles at the LHC" - Albert De Roeck (CERN) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (November 17, 2017; 2pm) - Indico Agenda
"Triggers, lepton ID (e/mu/tau)" - Doug Berry (U. Illinois Chicago), Abdollah Mohammadi (Kansas State U.), Norbert Neumeister (Purdue U.) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (November 20, 2017; 12pm) - Indico Agenda "b/t/H/W/Z tagging" - James Dolen (SUNY Buffalo), Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), Justin Pilot (U.C. Davis) |
DR Office Hours (November 20, 2017; 3:30-4:00pm; WH11XO) - Info |
Run2 Discussion Groups (November 27, 2017; 12pm) - Indico Agenda "Jets (including substructure), Missing Et, pileup" - Jordan Damgov (Texas Tech U.), Ben Kreis (Fermilab), Alexx Perloff (Texas A&M) |
DR Office Hours (November 27, 2017; 3:30-4:00pm; WH11XO) - Info |
Topic of the Week (November 28, 2017; 3:30pm) - Info "Search for Standard Model production of four top quarks" - Giovanni Zevi Della Porta (U.C. San Diego) |
Coffee Hour (November 29, 2017; 1:30pm) - Info "Detecting dark matter axions with superconducting qubits, quantum non-demolition measurements for HEP" - Aaron Chou (Fermilab) |
Big Data with Spark HATS@LPC (November 29, 2017) - Indico Agenda Andrew Melo (Vanderbilt U.), Gabriele Benelli (Brown U.), Matteo Cremonesi (Fermilab), Javier Duarte (Fermilab) |
Physics Forum (November 30, 2017; 1pm) - Info "Searching for Dark Matter, a lightning-fast analysis using Apache Spark" - Andrew Melo (Vanderbilt U.) |
CMS Connect HATS@LPC (November 30, 2017) - Indico Agenda Kenyi Paolo Hurtado Anampa (Notre Dame U.) |
December 2017 |
Run2 Discussion Groups (December 1, 2017; 2pm) - Indico Agenda
"Triggers, lepton ID (e/mu/tau)" - Doug Berry (U. Illinois Chicago), Abdollah Mohammadi (Kansas State U.), Norbert Neumeister (Purdue U.) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (December 4, 2017; 12pm) - Indico Agenda "b/t/H/W/Z tagging" - James Dolen (SUNY Buffalo), Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), Justin Pilot (U.C. Davis) |
DR Office Hours (December 4, 2017; 3:30-4:00pm; WH11XO) - Info |
LPC Computing Discussion Group (December 8, 2017; 1pm) - Indico Agenda David Mason (Fermilab), Ryan Mueller (Texas A&M), Marguerite Tonjes (U. Illinois Chicago) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (December 11, 2017; 12pm) - Indico Agenda "Jets (including substructure), Missing Et, pileup" - Jordan Damgov (Texas Tech U.), Ben Kreis (Fermilab), Alexx Perloff (Texas A&M) |
DR Office Hours (December 11, 2017; 3:30-4:00pm; WH11XO) - Info |
Run2 Discussion Groups (December 15, 2017; 2pm) - Indico Agenda
"Triggers, lepton ID (e/mu/tau)" - Doug Berry (U. Illinois Chicago), Abdollah Mohammadi (Kansas State U.), Norbert Neumeister (Purdue U.) |