![]() | Bulletin no. 58 |
May 16, 2018 to June 15, 2018 |
Please consult the indicated INDICO pages for agendas, connections, and other details. In case of questions, please contact the LPC Coordinators: Cecilia Gerber - gerber at fnal.gov Sergo Jinadariani - sergo at fnal.gov |
Add LPC events to my Google Calendar |
May 2018 |
US CMS Annual Meeting at the University of Minnesota (May 17-19, 2018) - Indico Agenda Greg Snow (U. Nebraska Lincoln), Max Chertok (UC Davies), Jeremy Mans (U. Minnesota), Roger Rusack (U. Minnesota) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (May 21, 2018; 12pm) - Indico Agenda "b/t/H/W/Z tagging" - James Dolen (SUNY Buffalo), Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), Justin Pilot (U.C. Davis) |
Git/GitHub HATS@LPC (May 21, 2018; 1pm) - Indico Agenda |
DR Office Hours (May 21, 2018; 3:30-4:00pm; WH11NW (11th floor ROC)) - Info |
Introduction to Particle Physics Course (May 22, 2018; 2pm) - Indico Agenda Kristian Hahn (Northwestern U.) |
pyRoot HATS@LPC (May 23-May 25, 2018; 1pm) - Indico Agenda |
(CMS only) Physics Forum (May 24, 2018; 1pm) - Info "Latest differential tt cross section measurements from CMS Experiment" - Aran Garcia-Bellido (Rochester U.) |
Introduction to Particle Physics Course (May 24, 2018; 2pm) - Indico Agenda Kristian Hahn (Northwestern U.) |
LPC Computing Discussion Group (May 25, 2018; 1pm) - Indico Agenda David Mason (Fermilab), Ryan Mueller (Texas A&M), Marguerite Tonjes (U. Illinois Chicago) |
Introduction to Particle Physics Course (May 29, 2018; 2pm) - Indico Agenda Kristian Hahn (Northwestern U.) |
Topic of the Week (May 29, 2018; 3:30pm) - Info "LIGO" - Alan Weinstein (Caltech) |
CMS Upgrade Detectors HATS@LPC (May 30-Jun 1, 2018) - Indico Agenda Daniel Noonan (Florida Tech), Joe Pastika (Baylor U.), Nadja Strobbe (Fermilab), Jim Hirschauer (Fermilab), Maral Alyari (Fermilab), Zoltan Gecse (Fermilab), Ron Lipton (Fermilab), Anna Pla-Dalmau (Fermilab), Jim Freeman (Fermilab) and Serguei Los (Fermilab) |
Introduction to Particle Physics Course (May 31, 2018; 2pm) - Indico Agenda Kristian Hahn (Northwestern U.) |
June 2018 |
Run2 Discussion Groups (June 1, 2018; 2pm) - Indico Agenda
"Triggers, lepton ID (e/mu/tau)" - Doug Berry (U. Illinois Chicago), Abdollah Mohammadi (Kansas State U.), Norbert Neumeister (Purdue U.) |
Run2 Discussion Groups (June 4, 2018; 12pm) - Indico Agenda "b/t/H/W/Z tagging" - James Dolen (SUNY Buffalo), Caterina Vernieri (Fermilab), Justin Pilot (U.C. Davis) |
HEP analysis in the Python ecosystem HATS@LPC (Jun 4, 2018; 1pm) - Indico Agenda |
DR Office Hours (June 4, 2018; 3:30-4:00pm; WH11NW (11th floor ROC)) - Info |
Introduction to Particle Physics Course (June 5, 2018; 2pm) - Indico Agenda Kristian Hahn (Northwestern U.) |
Machine Learning HATS@LPC (Jun 6, 2018; 1pm) - Indico Agenda |
Physics Forum (June 7, 2018; 1pm) - Info "The SENSEI experiment" - Juan Estrada (Fermilab) |
Introduction to Particle Physics Course (June 7, 2018; 2pm) - Indico Agenda Kristian Hahn (Northwestern U.) |
Big Data with Spark HATS@LPC (June 8, 2018; 12pm) - Indico Agenda |
Wine and Cheese Seminar (June 8, 2018; 4pm) - Info "Searches for Leptoquarks at CMS" - Frank Golf (Nebraska U.) |
Muon HATS@LPC (Jun 11, 2018; 1pm) - Indico Agenda |
DR Office Hours (June 11, 2018; 3:30-4:00pm; WH11NW (11th floor ROC)) - Info |
Jet Algorythms and Substructure HATS@LPC (Jun 12, 2018; 1pm) - Indico Agenda |
Jet Energy Corrections and Pile-Up Mitigation HATS@LPC (Jun 13, 2018; 1pm) - Indico Agenda |
MET HATS@LPC (Jun 14, 2018; 1pm) - Indico Agenda |
CMS Connect HATS@LPC (Jun 15, 2018; 1pm) - Indico Agenda |