Bulletin no. 124
Last updated on Monday, Dec 4, 2023 at 14:30
Upcoming Events at the LPC
LPC events are held in person (with Fermilab Wilson Hall locations given below or on the indico), with remote if specified by Zoom. Times are in Central US time (Batavia, IL).
Please consult the indicated INDICO pages for agendas, connections, and other details. In case of questions, please contact the LPC Coordinators:

Bo Jayatilaka - boj at fnal.gov
Kevin Black - kblack at hep.wisc.edu
Add LPC events to my Google Calendar

December 2023 and beyond
*Virtual* LPC Physics Analysis Discussion (December 18, 2023; 1:00pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Indico Agenda
    "Jets, MET, PU, b/t/H/W/Z tagging, Triggers, Lepton ID, Machine Learning, Generators"
Colliders Of Tomorrow (December 21), 2023 1:30-3pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Info
    "P5 implications for the Energy Frontier" - Tulika Bose (UW Madison)
In Person Only: CMSDAS@LPC 2024 (Jan 8-12, 2024) - Indico Agenda
    Gabriele Benelli (Brown), Kevin Black (Wisconsin), Bo Jayatilaka (Fermilab), Marguerite Tonjes (UIC), David Yu (Nebraska)
Topic of the Week (January 23, 2024; 3:00pm; Sunrise WH11NE and Zoom) - Info
     "TBA" - Simon Knapen (LBNL, UC Berkeley)

Editors - Gabriele Benelli - (gbenelli at fnal dot gov), Marguerite Tonjes - (tonjes at fnal dot gov)