Registration for the School and the agenda are at:
(Please note: to register, a CERN e-mail (NICE) account is required.)
Course Area at CERN for the CMS Data Analysis School Jan 2011
This school was formerly known as EJTERM. A link to the EJTERM 2010 site can be found here.
All students are required to complete 4 sets of pre-workshop exercises. They can be accessed via the link above for the Course Area. On the left menu of the Course Area, click on "Pre-exercises" and then access them. To answer questions in the "Pre-exercises," you must click "Submit Your Pre-exercises" on the left menu in the Course Area.
Please follow the link below for a list of local restaurants, map of Fermilab, etc.
Access to Fermilab for CMSDAS participants does not require a Fermi ID. Simply tell the guard at the entrance that you are attending CMSDAS.
At the School, there will be two types of exercise...short: ~2 hrs, long ~ 2 days
Day 1 & 2 + morning Day 3 short exercises interspersed with talks
Day 3 afternoon, Day 4, Day 5 morning long exercises.
An agenda (under development) is here:
The exercises for the School will be available just prior to the workshop. Descriptions will be made available somewhat earlier. They will contain many topics geared toward discovery physics. The complete set of exercises from EJTERM 2010 are available at the EJTERM 2010 website.
Sudhir Malik University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Chris Jones Cornell University |
Charles Plager UCLA |
Eric Vaandering Fermilab |
Yu Zheng Purdue University |
Zhen Hu Purdue University |
Fan Yang Fermilab |
Eric Brownson Vanderbilt University |
Cesar Pollack University of Puerto Rico - Mayaqüez |
Alexey Svyatkovskiy Purdue University |
Kalanand Mishra Fermilab |
Rob Harris Fermilab |
Eva Halkiadakis Rutgers University |
John Paul Chou Brown University |
Jason St. John Boston University |
Ilya Osipenkov Texas A&M University |
Chiyoung Jeong Texas Tech University |
Description: The short exercise provides hands-on experience accessing
jets, plotting basic jet quantities, and applying jet energy corrections and
their uncertainty. You will become familiar with basic jet types and algorithms and how to
use them in your analysis.
Stephen Mrenna |
Charles Plager |
Description: These tutorials will guide you on an investigation of the similarities
and differences that can be encountered when comparing predictions made
with different Monte Carlo (MC) tools.
In all cases, we focus on W+ and W- production and decay to leptons at
the LHC (a 7 TeV, proton-proton collider).
We are using a ROOT-based analysis package similar to the one used by
the Generator Services (GENSER) group for release-to-release validation
of MC tools distributed by CERN. Since this package makes use of the
HepMC standard for MC event records, it is called /HepMCAnalysis/. We
rely on the WplusJets analysis tool.
Petar Maksimovic |
Gena Kukartsev |
Bob Cousins |
Jordan Tucker |
Description: ExoStive RooSting
The exercise introduces methods and tools for answering very common
statistics questions while complying with rigorous standards set in
today's experimental particle physics. The main topic is the ways to
find a confidence interval for a parameter of interest. We cover the
most popular tecniques: profile likelihood, bayesian (including MCMC),
Feldman-Cousins. Participants will learn how to use RooStats as the
software framework for statistics, and RooFit as the language for data
modeling. We overview the popular cases of a counting experiment, a
shape analysis and a combination of multiple analysis channels. We
also discuss how to include systematic uncertainties and prior
information into the interval calculations. In the beginning of the
exercise, we offer a theoretical overview of the basic concepts.
The exercise will consist of three 2-hour sessions and will be run
twice during the school. However, the two runs will not be identical:
the first exercise run will start with two hours of the overview
lecture, followed by the second hands-on section dedicated to RooFit
and the final practical section on RooStats. We only offer the lecture
once, so the second exercise run will start with the section on
RooFit, followed by two RooStats sections.
Francisco Yumiceva |
Meenakshi Narain Brown University |
Description: Learn about the properties and differences between primary vertices and the luminous region, also known as beam spot. Students will
learn how to access the vertex collections and make plots of the main variables.
Learn how to identify b-flavored jets and plot the b-tag efficiency and mistagging rate as a function of jet kinematics for a given algorithm. Use the
b-tagging scale factors derived from data to correct the Monte Carlo efficiencies.
Kevin Burkett Fermilab |
Jim Pivarski |
The goals of the tracking exercise are:
Yuri Gershtein Rutgers University |
Andrew Askew The Florida State University |
Marat Gataullin |
Description: The three short photon exercises are designed to cover the
breadth of photon identification for beginners. Three basic elements
of photon selection (discriminating against jets) and analysis are covered:
the characteristic shower in the ECAL, the isolation in the immediate vicinity,
and the measurement of efficiency (with emphasis on trigger).
Exercise 1: Shower Shape
Exercise 2: Isolation
Exercise 3: Measurement of HLT efficiency
Jeff Berryhill |
Bryan Dahmes |
Paolo Meridiani |
Description: Detecting high energy electrons in CMS data, at the electroweak scale
and beyond.
The exercise is aimed at describing a selection of clean isolated
electrons (from W and Z), separating them from the background from QCD
fakes, non isolated electrons and electrons from conversion. We will use
an inclusive sample of triggered electrons and describe the selection
variables, how to check them, and see step by step how the W and Z
signals emerge from the background. At the end of the exercise, the
successful student will be comfortable with arriving at their own
electron selection and estimating its performance on data.
Rick Cavanaugh |
Lucie Gauthier |
Chris Silkworth |
Vivian O'Dell |
Description: Particle-flow algorithms aim to individually reconstruct and identify
all stable particles in the event, (electrons, muons, photons, charged
hadrons and neutral hadrons) by comprehensively using all
sub-detectors in an optimal way to determine each particle's
direction, energy and type. The list of individual reconstructed
particles in the event can then be used as the starting point to
analyze an event, as if the list had come from a Monte-Carlo event
generator. For example, using reconstructed particles, one can build
jets, determine the missing transverse energy, reconstruct and
identify taus from their decay products, quantify charged lepton
isolation with respect to other particles, help tag b-jets, etc.
This short exercise briefly motivates the basic conditions needed for
a successful particle-flow algorithm. Each participant will build a
simplistic, toy particle-flow algorithm from basic sub-detector
elements and use that algorithm to identify and reconstruct their own
list of particles in very simple events. Participants will then
compare results from their simple, toy algorithm with traditional
calorimeter-only techniques and with the actual CMS particle-flow
algorithm itself. The goal is to enable participants to learn the
essential ingredients needed for any particle-flow algorithm and, by
the end of the exercise, gain a basic understanding of particle-flow
reconstruction techniques as well as an appreciation for the
advantages of performing one's analysis at the particle-level. At the
end of the exercise, participants will be able to place their simple,
toy algorithm in the context of the sophisticated, real CMS
particle-flow algorithm, which will be briefly summarised with an
emphasis on the many interesting and intricate cases which the real
algorithm handles.
Adam Everett Purdue University |
Jordan Tucker |
Description: The short exercise provides hands-on experience accessing muons,
plotting basic muon quantities (kinematic, fit, quality), and applying
different muon object and event selection cuts to increase sample
purity. You will become familiar with basic muon types and specialized
muon fit algorithms and how to use them in your analysis.
Dan Green Fermilab |
Sudhir Malik University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Description: Being able to examine an individual event in detail is an important tool for our physics analyses. Searches will always operate on the
extreme edges of phase space where a handful of events are of primary importance.
This short exercise uses the early 2010 data from CMS with data extracted from the "Exotica Scan". The users should download and make sure Fireworks functions
on their laptop prior to the exercise so as to avoid startup delays.
First, navigation and features of Fireworks are explored - commands, buttons, views and collections. Then events are scanned; jets from April 2010, soft
muon from b decay, Missing ET ( "core" and tails, ECAL and HCAL spikes, fake muons, and cracks), photons, W and Z.
Finally, top events appeared just before ICHEP as the luminosity appeared. Kinematic reconstruction of a top pair should be attempted, as was, in fact, done
to fully convince ourselves that we were observing top events.
Dinko Ferencek |
Jordan Damgov |
Description: Missing ET is one of the most important observables used in
searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model. The first part of
this exercise will introduce CMS newcomers to different MET
reconstruction algorithms available in CMS and will provide hands-on
experience accessing different types of MET objects using CMSSW (both
within and outside the PAT framework). The second part will be devoted
to a scan of high-MET events from the 2010 collision data where events
are selected and inspected using the existing CMSSW tools.
Joe Incandela |
Charles Plager UCLA |
Stephen Mrenna |
Dinko Ferencek |
Description: Imagine you have generated a Monte Carlo sample, but some aspect of your signal is not as desired. For example, you simply made a mistake or had to make a guess about some parameters. This exercise focuses on how to modify your events to improve your signal modeling. In this exercise, you will learn how to access Monte Carlo truth information, calculate probabilities based on them, and throw random numbers to reweight your events. There are three levels to this exercise:
Rob Harris Fermilab |
Eva Halkiadakis Rutgers University |
Kalanand Mishra Fermilab |
John Paul Chou Brown University |
Jason St. John Boston University |
Description: The long exercise will teach you how to search for dijet
resonances. You will learn the signal, the QCD background, and the published CMS
techniques of searching for new physics with the dijet mass distribution and the
dijet ratio. You will search for resonance signals in actual CMS data.
Adam Everett Purdue University |
Jordan Tucker |
Description: The long exercise will teach you how to search for high mass dimuon
resonances. You will learn the signal, the QCD background, the ttbar
background, and the CMS techniques of searching for new physics with the
dimuon mass distribution. You will evaluate analysis specific selection
cuts, and you will search for resonance signals in actual CMS data.
Cecilia Gerber |
Francisco Yumiceva |
Sadia Khalil |
Sal Rappoccio |
Description: Measure the top pair production cross section in lepton+jets+MET by simultaneously fitting a sample with 3 jets and 4 or
more jets. Students will learn about the main background sources as a function of the number of jets, estimation of the QCD multijet background
using a data-driven method, and extraction of the top pair signal.
Jake Anderson Fermilab |
Yu Zheng Purdue University |
Zhen Hu |
Nuno Leonardo Purdue University |
Ian Shipsey Purdue University |
Description: On December 26 2010 CMS posted to arXiv, and submitted to PRD, the first measurement of
the Upsilon(nS) differential production cross section at sqrt(s)= 7 TeV, based on an integrated luminosity of
3/pb. This exercise reproduces the measurement and extends it to the full data set (40/pb) for the first time,
anticipating the results CMS plans to send to the Moriond Conference in March 2011.
The exercise covers MC simulation, kinematics, the definition and calculation of acceptance, the data driven
techniques used to measure the trigger and muon identification efficiencies, signal and background pdf design
and both un-weighted and weighted fitting.
Systematic uncertainties are a critical part of any analysis. We
discuss and explore sources of systematic uncertainty and methods to
estimate them both generally and in the context of the Upsilon
measurement. We will use some of the dominant systematic
uncertainties affecting the Upsilon cross section to illustrate these
Alexey Drozdetskiy |
Andrey Korytov |
Jonatan Piedra Universidad de Cantabria |
Description: If LHC runs according to expectations - 2011 would be a great year, a great year first for limits and then for possible discoveries.
There are several "high mass Higgs" channels, the main contributor into setting limits is: H -> ZZ -> 2l2nu.
In this exercise we will start with an overview of the differences between signal and background processes and corresponding
discriminating variables for the channel; we will continue with up to 3 different analysis scenario (robust; optimized; MVA optimized) to set limits
on Higgs cross section. And last step - we will look into several systematic uncertainty contributions (like momentum scale for leptons,
JetMET uncertainties, etc.): their evaluation and effect on the final result. Given enough time we will overview and discuss
the full list of systematic uncertainties and update final results with that in mind.
We will check all the distributions and results with both data and MC.
Yuri Gershtein Rutgers University |
Andrew Askew The Florida State University |
Marat Gataullin |
Description: There is nothing quite like doing analysis with photons to introduce
new students to doing analysis with photons. So we're going to do one!
The long exercise will kick off an effort for the search for a three photon
final state (which arises naturally from new physics with vector-like
confinement). It is anticipated that the majority of the work on this
brand-new analysis for CMS will be completed at CMSDAS, and that the
involved analyzers will stay involved to see the results through to
Alexey Ferapontov |
Greg Landsberg |
Ka Vang Tsang |
Description: In this long exercise, you will learn how to search for microscopic Black Holes in real collision data. The
exercise will teach you how to estimate the dominant QCD background using a novel data-driven technique.
You will optimize the offline selection criteria and use this information to search for unique Black Holes signatures.