Tutorials, Workshops and Schools (CMSDAS)

The LPC at Fermilab has several programs to enrich the experience of the community by bringing experts to offer hands-on advanced tutorials, workshops and schools. While in some cases remote participation is also an option, being at the LPC is usually required as these programs are designed to offer a person-to-person experience with the experts. The programs offered are described below.

The "Hands-on Advanced Tutorial Session", or HATS@LPC, bring together experts at LPC (and CMS) to give hands-on training on advanced physics tools and topics, for example, jet substructure.

The emphasis here is "hands-on", meaning that there will be exercises where the attendees can incorporate advanced analysis code into an analysis framework and learn how to understand and use the new techniques presented. The list of previous and upcoming HATS@LPC is kept in the following link:

The "Advanced Physics Workshops" bring together experts and theorists beyond CMS to assess the state-of-the-art of current LHC physics, future physics topics and help shape the future of the field. The list of previous and upcoming Advanced Physics Workshops is kept in the following link:

The "CMS Data Analysis School", or CMSDAS, started in 2011 at the LPC and it has been exported to other venues around the world. The first instance of CMSDAS each year is held at the LPC. The list of previous and upcoming CMSDAS is kept in the following link:

The above events are organized by the LPC Events committee that currently consists of:

  • Alice Bean (Kansas)
  • Sam Bein (Hamburg)
  • Gabriele Benelli (Brown, Co-Chair)
  • Ruchi Chudasama (Alabama)
  • Pedro Fernández Manteca (Rice)
  • Eva Halkiadakis (Rutgers)
  • Josh Hiltbrand (Baylor)
  • Chris Madrid (Fermilab/Texas Tech, Co-Chair)
  • Nick Manganelli (Colorado)
  • Ulascan Sarica (UCSB)
  • Jon Wilson (Baylor)
  • Ex-Officio Kevin Black - (UW Madison, LPC Coordinator)
  • Ex-Officio Bo Jayatilaka - (Fermilab, LPC Coordinator)

Past Members

  • Jake Anderson (Fermilab)
  • Luca Cadamuro (U. Florida))
  • Philip Chang (UCSD)
  • Grace Cummings (Fermilab)
  • Jim Dolen (SUNY Buffalo)
  • Robin Erbacher (UC Davis)
  • Mariarosaria D'Alfonso (MIT)
  • Nicola de Filippis (Bari)
  • Cecilia Gerber (UIC)
  • Sergei Gleyzer (Florida)
  • Frank Golf (UCSB)
  • Andrei Gritsan (JHU)
  • Ulrich Heintz (Brown)
  • Mike Hildreth (Notre Dame)
  • Chris Hill (Ohio State)
  • Sergo Jindariani (Fermilab)
  • Andreas Jung (Purdue)
  • Henning Kirschenmann (Helsinki)
  • Boaz Klima (Fermilab)
  • Ben Kreis (FNAL)
  • Michael Krohn (Minnesota)
  • Luca Malgeri (CERN)
  • Abdollah Mohammadi (Kansas State)
  • Sudhir Malik (UPRM)
  • Cristina Mantilla Suarez (Fermilab)
  • Yurii Maravin (KSU)
  • Jane Nachtman (Iowa)
  • Meenakshi Narain (Brown)
  • Kevin Nash (Rutgers)
  • Danny Noonan (FIT)
  • Scarlet Norberg (UPRM)
  • Sanjay Padhi (UCSD)
  • Christopher Palmer (Princeton)
  • Kevin Pedro (Fermilab)
  • Justin Pilot (UC Davis)
  • Fabio Ravera (Fermilab)
  • Seema Sharma (Fermilab)
  • Nadja Strobbe (Fermilab)
  • Marco Trovato (Northwestern)
  • Emanuele Usai (Brown U.)
  • Eric Vaandering (Fermilab)
  • Matt Walker (Rutgers)
  • Andrew Whitbeck (Fermilab)
  • Zhenbin Wu (UIC)
  • David Yu (Brown)
  • Irene Zoi (Fermilab)

Questions, suggestions can be emailed to: LPC Events Committtee

To submit a proposal for an event to be hosted at the LPC please use the LPC Event Proposal Form

Webpage maintained by Gabriele Benelli.