LPC Guests and Visitors (G&V) Program

HCAL HATS photo 2017

The aim of the Guests and Visitors (G&V) program is to facilitate CMS collaborators to spend time at the LPC and collaborate with other LPC residents/applicants on projects that advance, enrich, and impact the interests of the CMS experiment. The G&V program is open to all CMS members both from U.S. and non-U.S. institutions including students, postdocs, scientists and faculty. Applicants must be employed by a CMS institution during their stay at the LPC. Because the G&V is funded by the U.S. CMS Operations program, proposals must include an operations and/or upgrade component for CMS. A Physics component is encouraged but not required.

Current (2024) and previous LPC Guests and Visitors are listed here.

General Guidelines and Policies for the LPC Guests and Visitors Program are here.

Proposals for stays at the LPC starting no earlier than May 2025, are due by Thursday, March 13, 2025, and should be submitted online using the G&V application form.

Advisors are expected to submit the application on behalf of their students.

One or two recommendation support letters (PDF) for students and postdoc applications should be submitted via this letter upload form.

Note that being able to obtain Fermilab site access is required, contact LPC computing support for any questions about site access.

A review of the proposals by the LPC G&V committee and the LPC Coordinators will be conducted with results communicated to the proponents expeditiously.

The LPC G&V Committee

(Full committee membership is currently being finalized)

  • Chris Palmer (Maryland, Chair)
     Ex-Officio: LPC Coordinators
  • Jim Hirschauer (FNAL)
  • Isobel Ojalvo (Princeton)