(Due to the LHC turn on this webpage is still under construction)
Registration for EJTERM and the agenda are at:
(Please note: to register a CERN e-mail (NICE) account is required.)
All students are required to complete 4 sets of pre-workshop exercises.
For those who do not yet have a CERN account pdfs of the pre-EJTERM exercise twikis can be found here:
At EJTERM two types of exercise short: ~2 hrs, long ~ 2 days
Day 1 & 2 + morning Day 3 short exercises interspersed with talks
Day 3 afternoon, Day 4, Day 5 morning long exercises.
An agenda (under development) is here: http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=69600
Sudhir Malik University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Chris Jones Cornell University |
Charles Plager UCLA |
Eric Vaandering Fermilab |
Yu Zheng Purdue University |
Zoltan Gecse Purdue University |
Sun Hao Purdue University |
Frank Chlebana Fermilab |
Rob Harris Fermilab |
Marek Zielinski University of Rochester |
Kalanand Mishra Fermilab |
This exercise provides hands-on experience accessing a jet collection in an event, plot basic jet quantities, and apply jet energy corrections. It is a 101 on how to access jets in the CMS framework without using fancy tools and without assuming any prior knowledge of jet analysis. You will become familiar with basic jet types and algorithms and how to use them in your analysis. Each exercise uses real example scripts. We will provide a comprehensive reference to more advanced workbook examples, additional resources, and pedagogical documentation in one place.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EJTermJetAnalysis
Yuri Gershtein Rutgers |
Andrew Askew The Florida State University |
Vanessa Gaultney Florida International |
Tia Miceli UC Davis |
Description: A three part exercise designed to introduce newcomers to the selection of photons and QCD background in collision data, as well as identifying and characterizing non-collision backgrounds (a MUST for photon analysis), all done on first collisions data.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/EJTermPhotonAnalysis
Ken Bloom University of Nebraska–Lincoln |
Meenakshi Narain Brown University |
Gennadiy Kukartev Brown University |
Pratima Jindal Purdue University Calumet |
Description: You too can discover the top quark! This exercise will walk you through the steps needed to find the signal for ttbar production in the lepton plus jets plus missing energy decay channel. You will learn how to produce the necessary data files, explore the most relevant kinematic variables, and then develop a multivariate classifier that will separate signal and background events. The first four of these are short excercises. To acquire the keys to the LJMET club and the secret handshake, complete all six steps plus obtain the final results.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EJTermLJMETMonsterVsAliensExercise
Ivan Furic University of Florida |
Jonatan Piedra University of Florida |
Description: The following paragraph describes the long CRAFT muon exercise. The short exercise is a subset of this, specifically exercises 1 and 2 on the twiki page.
In the late months that preceded the long awaited LHC collisions, CMS had the natural accelerator of muons that is Nature to provide a huge data sample of muons (MTCC,
CRAFT'08 and CRAFT'09) to take CMS to the next level:
24/7 data-taking periods, realistic understanding of the complex magnetic field, alignment of the muon, tracker and muon-tracker systems, trigger and reconstruction performance, etc. In addition, physics measurements can be done with cosmic muons, such as the muon angular distribution, muon flux and muon charge ratio. This exercise is devoted to the real measurement of the cosmic muons charge ratio using CRAFT'08 data.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EJTermChargeRatioAnalysis
Nhan Tran Johns Hopkins University |
Description: A short two-part exercise demonstrating the effect of alignment on tracking and physics. The first part will be an extension of the tracking exercise where we understand how to apply misalignment and miscalibration and how tracker alignment improves track quantities. The second part will show how tracker alignment affects global muon reconstruction and the effect on the Z resonance under various alignment scenarios.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/EJTermTrackerAlignment
Jeff Temple Maryland University |
Ken Rossato Maryland University |
Description: There are known sources of noise that lead to spurious energy deposits in the Hadron Calorimeter. In this exercise, users will learn to identify such noise "by eye" using the event display, and will also be shown how to use the existing framework tools to remove noisy calorimeter cells from an event. Finally, users will be shown how to use the NoiseSummary objects or custom variables within an event to make more detailed noise analyses.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/EJTermHcalCollisionData
Dan Green Fermilab |
Description: A good event display is an indispensible analysis tool. It is crucial at the startup of an experiment, and is very useful if a handful of “interesting” events falls out of a particular analysis. In CMS there are several displays available, and here we concentrate on Fireworks. Real data is examined: Cosmic Ray at Four Tesla ( Fall 09), First CMS collisions (Nov. 23, 09) and First full events ( solenoid and tracker on – Dec. 6, 09). All CMS subsystems are explored and the connections between them.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EJTermEventScanningInCRAFTFirstBeamsAndFirstFullEvents
Matthew Jones Purdue University |
David Silvers Purdue University |
Description: These exercises will provide and understanding of the physical tracker geometry, its description using CMS detector geometry classes, transformations between local/global coordinate systems in the tracker, and the methods used to accesse single-hit and clustered-hit information associated with the tracker detector elements.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EJTermTrackerGeometry
Paul Sheldon Vanderbilt University |
Evan Friis UC Davis |
Sho Maruyama UC Davis |
Eric Brownson Vanderbilt University |
Andres Florez Vanderbilt University |
The aim of this tutorial is to introduce the main methods and tools to get started with a physics analysis involving the tau lepton. In this module, an EDAnalyzer will be provided that will allow a study of Z -> tau tau decay, where one tau decays hadronically and the other muonically.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EJTermZTauTau
Carlos Lourenco CERN |
Hermine Woehri CERN |
Yu Zheng Purdue University |
Description: The exercise takes place around the first observation of dimuons in CMS, on the basis of the data collected in December 2009. The exercise has several goals: 1) prepare the request of J/psi signal and QCD muon enriched MC event samples; 2) calculate the opposite-sign dimuon yields in the J/psi mass window expected for the integrated luminosity corresponding to the collected data, at the two energies, 900 and 2360 GeV, if only using global muons and if also using tracker muons; 3) process the collected data samples, apply suitable event, track and dimuon selection criteria, and produce dimuon mass distributions using global muons and tracker muons; 4) produce figures comparing the measured and simulated single muon distributions of suitable variables to see how well the MC simulation reproduces the measurements; 5) have a deeper look at the few dimuon events observed so far in CMS, including event displays (Fireworks).
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/EJTermFirstDimuons
Kevin Burkett Fermilab |
This introductory tracking tutorial demonstrates how to access the track collections, fill an ntuple and make plots of, for example, the p_t spectrum, and the event track multiplicity.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EJTermIntroductoryTrackingTutorial
Aaron Dominguez University of Nebraska–Lincoln |
Jason Keller University of Nebraska–Lincoln |
Description: In these exercises you will
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/EJTermbTaggingTutorial
Anwar Bhatti Rockefeller University |
Teruki Kamon Texas A&M University |
Ronny Remington University of Florida |
This is a short exercise where data from single beam runs and collider runs
are analyzed using the CMS Beam Halo Identification code. Two primary
goals in this exercise is to understand
(a) Physics impact from backgrounds (i.e., beam halo, noise, etc) and
(b) Particle identification technique (i.e. Characteristic detector response
pattern and its timing structure in muon, HCAL and ECAL detectors).
Each participant will view halo/noise and collision events with Event
Display and make distributions of various sub-detector responses
and its timing for discrimination.
As a final product, participants will compare
a few key distributions on missing transeverse energy
(MET) before and after the beam halo (and noise) filters
with Monte Carlo predistions and calculate the rates and efficiencies.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EJTermBeamHaloId
Kalanand Mishra Fermilab |
Frank Chlebana Fermilab |
Rob Harris Fermilab |
Marek Zielinski University of Rochester |
This exercise provides hands-on experience accessing a jet collection in an event, plot basic jet quantities, and apply jet energy corrections. It is a 101 on how to access jets in the CMS framework without using fancy tools and without assuming any prior knowledge of jet analysis. You will become familiar with basic jet types and algorithms and how to use them in your analysis. Each exercise uses real example scripts. We will provide a comprehensive reference to more advanced workbook examples, additional resources, and pedagogical documentation in one place.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EJTermJetAnalysis
Yuri Gershtein Rutgers |
Andrew Askew The Florida State University |
Vanessa Gaultney Florida International |
Tia Miceli UC Davis |
Description: This exercise picks up directly where the short exercises left off: a measurement of the composition of selected photons in early data. Key tasks will be characterizing prompt hadronic backgrounds, as well as backgrounds from beam halo and cosmic ray muons all from data from first collisions.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/EJTermPhotonAnalysis
Nuno Leonardo Purdue University |
Zoltan Gecse Purdue University |
Yu Zheng Purdue University |
Ian Shipsey Purdue University |
The measurement of the Y(nS) differential cross section in 1/pb of early data is the subject of this exercise. A team will work in a coordinated way to identify "flaws" in simulated data, determine geometric acceptance, fit the dimuon invariant mass distribution, use tag and probe to estimate the muon ID efficiency and the trigger efficiency, evaluate systematic uncertainties and finally compute the differential cross section.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EJTermUpsilonAnalysisExercises
Ivan Furic University of Florida |
Jonatan Piedra University of Florida |
Description: In the late months that preceded the long awaited LHC collisions, CMS had the natural accelerator of muons that is Nature to provide a huge data sample of muons (MTCC,
CRAFT'08 and CRAFT'09) to take CMS to the next level:
24/7 data-taking periods, realistic understanding of the complex magnetic field, alignment of the muon, tracker and muon-tracker systems, trigger and reconstruction performance, etc. In addition, physics measurements can be done with cosmic muons, such as the muon angular distribution, muon flux and muon charge ratio. This exercise is devoted to the real measurement of the cosmic muons charge ratio using CRAFT'08 data.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EJTermChargeRatioAnalysis
Ken Bloom University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Meenakshi Narain Brown University |
Gennadiy Kukartev Brown University |
Pratima Jindal Purdue University Calumet |
Description: You too can discover the top quark! This exercise will walk you through the steps needed to find the signal for ttbar production in the lepton plus jets plus missing energy decay channel. You will learn how to produce the necessary data files, explore the most relevant kinematic variables, and then develop a multivariate classifier that will separate signal and background events. The first four of these are short excercises. To acquire the keys to the LJMET club and the secret handshake, complete all six steps plus obtain the final results.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EJTermLJMETMonsterVsAliensExercise
Carlos Lourenco CERN |
Hermine Woehri CERN |
Yu Zheng Purdue University |
Description: The exercise takes place around the first observation of dimuons in CMS, on the basis of the data collected in December 2009. The exercise has several goals: 1) prepare the request of J/psi signal and QCD muon enriched MC event samples; 2) calculate the opposite-sign dimuon yields in the J/psi mass window expected for the integrated luminosity corresponding to the collected data, at the two energies, 900 and 2360 GeV, if only using global muons and if also using tracker muons; 3) process the collected data samples, apply suitable event, track and dimuon selection criteria, and produce dimuon mass distributions using global muons and tracker muons; 4) produce figures comparing the measured and simulated single muon distributions of suitable variables to see how well the MC simulation reproduces the measurements; 5) have a deeper look at the few dimuon events observed so far in CMS, including event displays (Fireworks).
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/EJTermFirstDimuons
Yuri Maravin Kansas State University |
Eva Halkiadakis Rutgers University |
Mikhail Makouski Kansas State University |
Irakli Svintradze Kansas State University |
Description: This exercise demonstrates application of Z->e+e- process to electron reconstruction efficiency measurement with tag and probe method, acceptance estimation with Monte Carlo data and measurement of Z->ee inclusive cross-section.
The main steps are: 1) Learn how to run TagAndProbe package; 2) Configure custom electron ID cuts to be tested; 3) Run TagAndProbe on signal + background MC samples;
4) Calculate acceptance; 5) Obtain an estimate of Z->ee inclusive cross-section.
Link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/EJTermZee