LPC Faces



Caroline Milstene


  • I want to utilize the capability of the CMS detector, in particular the Outer Hadron calorimeter HO to explore a region of the phase-space which might shed light on the composition of dark matter. Many models have been proposed for dark matter and are at the root of the design of various direct detection experiments, e.g. CDMS, COUP, XENON and more. We would like to perform a model independent study considering s-channel interactions with a vector and an axial vector operator. The channel was proposed by Bogdan Dobrescu (private communication) because of its rather high cross-section and small QCD background. The channel includes a highly boosted jet with substructure and missing transverse energy (MET) for dark matter. This kind of model was also adopted by the monojet group. Model dependant studies were performed already within SUSY with 35 pb-1 by both CMS and Atlas. They affected significantly XENON and CDMS in the low mass region.