LPC Fellows
What I will be working on:
My research interests are in understanding the origin of the electroweak symmetry breaking,
and searches for direct experimental evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model. As an LPC fellow
I will continue my work on searches for physics beyond the standard model in final states with jets and MET.
Additionally, I am currently working on measurements of the spin of the newly discovered Higgs-like boson,
focusing on the diphoton final state.
My role in CMS past and present:
I joined the CMS collaboration in 2009, and since then have played leading roles in
the commissioning and optimization of jets and missing transverse energy (MET) reconstruction,
and data quality monitoring of the HCAL detector. I then worked on searches for third generation
leptoquarks and sbottom squarks. Currently I serve as the co-convener of the CMS MET group.