LPC Distinguished Researcher
What I will be working on:
Use boosted boson/top tagging techniques in both SUSY RPV and RPC searches for natural stops in collaboration with LPC
SUSY group. I also like to contribute to CMS pixel simulation as phase 1 upgrade program.
My role in CMS past and present:
My contribution to CMS has been in top quark physics and top-like new physics signatures since beginning of LHC data in
2010. The work comprises from top quark cross-section measurement to searches for exotic heavy quark particles such as
t' and b' with top quarks in semileptonic channel. The final state comprises of one lepton from a W-decay, jet and
b-jet multiplicities and missing transverse energy. Recently I led an analysis with b' quark pair production search in
all six final states of tW, bH, and bZ, while categorizing the events into number of boosted bosons (W, H, Z) which
appears as single merged jet.
I have served as the liaison between CMS MC generator and Top Physics group, and between electron/photon Object (EGM),
Top Physics and "Beyond the two generation" (B2G) exotica groups. I have been instructor in many of the CMS Data
Analysis Schools (CMSDAS) and Physics Analysis Toolkit (PAT) tutorials and will continue my services for LPC and CMS