LPC Distinguished Researcher


Alexander Schmidt

What I will be working on:

I am currently serving as convener of the Beyond Two Generations (B2G) physics analysis group of CMS. In this group we are searching for specific scenarios of physics beyond the Standard Model such as Vector-Like quarks and heavy resonances (Z', W'). Most of the signatures of these models involve high-pt objects, for example boosted top quarks and boosted Higgs bosons which are reconstructed with dedicated analysis methods. During 2016 we will search for these signatures in the new LHC data. We expect to achieve better sensitivity than in Run I already with a few inverse Femtobarn. Many CMS members at LPC are working on these analyses, so my presence at Fermilab will enhance the connection between LPC and the B2G group of CMS.

My role in CMS past and present:

A large fraction of my work in CMS was dedicated to the development and commissioning of b-tagging algorithms. I led the CMS b-tagging group in 2013 and 2014. During that time, the concept of b-tagging in boosted topologies (e.g. subjet b-tagging) was initiated. I have also worked on several physics analyses, for example on Higgs physics (ttH), B-physics (Bs→JpsiPhi), Standard Model (Z+bb). I am currently focusing on the search for new physics with top quarks (4th generation, heavy quarks, Z'→tt).