LPC Distinguished Researcher


Ivan Marchesini

What I will be working on:

One of my major interests is the development of dedicated b tagging tools for boosted topologies and their integration with other substructure tools, such as top tagging. On the analysis side, I plan to keep my current involvement within the CMS Beyond Two Generations physics group, focusing on searches for vector-like heavy quarks.

My role in CMS past and present:

Since joining CMS in 2012, I have worked at the development and commissioning of algorithms for b-jet identification and I'm currently in charge of leading the algorithm+software subgroup within the CMS b tagging group. I have been involved in several analyses searching for physics beyond the Standard Model, such as vector-like heavy quarks and heavy resonances (Z'). I have mostly focused on searches in boosted hadronic final states and on the development of dedicated analysis methods for their reconstruction. I have coordinated the combination of the Run 1 searches for vector-like T quarks.