Caterina Vernieri
Fermi National Laboratory
I will search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the b-quarks decay mode and investigate new physics scenarios involving highly boosted Higgs boson. The b-tagging technique for boosted Higgs I developed is relevant for these searches as the decay to b-quarks represents by far the largest Higgs branching fraction. I will work on improving the existing algorithm with the use of more sophisticated machine learning tools.
I joined CMS as a PhD student in 2012 working on b-tagging algorithms optimization and a search for resonance decaying to HH, where each H decays to b-quarks. As FNAL research associate (2014-present), I have focused on searches for the Standard Model Higgs in the b-quarks decay mode and new heavy resonances decaying to boosted Higgs, and on developing machine learning for b-quark identification in the boosted regime. In addition, I am involved in the R&D of the CMS silicon pixel detector for the upgrade at the high luminosity of the LHC. I am currently co-leading the CMS sub-group on Standard Model and beyond searches for Higgs decaying to b-quarks in the Higgs physics group.