Rajdeep Chatterjee
University of Minnesota
In 2021 my focus will be on physics analyses related to precision measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson in the diphoton decay channel.
I joined the CMS collaboration as a graduate student in 2012. During my PhD I focussed on a set of precision cross-sections measurements of the Drell--Yan process and demonstrated the usefulness of these measurements to mildly constrain the gluon PDFs.
I joined the University of Minnesota as a researcher in 2016. My initial focus was on the HGCAL detector R&D efforts as part of the beam test program at FNAL and CERN. I played a key role both in beam test operations as well as in developing the DAQ and the analysis framework to prove the calorimetric performance of the initial HGCAL prototypes to electron/pion/muon beams.
Subsequently I started working on precision measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson in the diphoton decay channel. I led a team from the University of Minnesota to measure the Higgs boson mass with the 2016 dataset, which was combined with the same measurement from the 4 lepton channel as well that in Run 1. This is the most precise measurement of the Higgs boson mass (M(H) = 125.38 ± 0.14 GeV
) with a precision of 0.11 %. Currently, with collaborators, I am working to measure the standard model signal strength modifiers and production cross sections for the production mode where the Higgs boson is produced in association with a vector boson.
Since 2018 I have been responsible for providing to CMS, the electron and photon energy scale and resolution corrections. Currently I serve as one of the two convenors of the Higgs to diphoton physics analysis sub-group. In the past I have served as the reconstruction convenor of the EGM POG and ECAL DPG.