Ozgur Sahin
CEA Saclay
As an LPC SDR, my primary goal will be to coordinate the DAQ system development for the MIP Timing Detector (MTD) Endcap Timing Layer (ETL) and installation of a DAQ teststand at Fermilab. With this system, we will validate the ETL readout chain from the ETROC chip to the backend DAQ ATCA boards.
I will also focus on the development of an advanced timing monitoring system, which will be based on techniques leveraging fast machine learning inference.
Finally, I will contribute to the improvement of machine learning methods used in the search for new physics particularly in X->HY->bbγγ process.
I joined the CMS collaboration in 2011 as an MSc student and I defended my PhD thesis in 2016. My PhD work focused on the development and optimization of machine learning algorithms for new physics searches and the HCAL Phase I upgrade. I received the CMS achievement award in 2016 for this work.
Afterwards, I worked on multiple analyses of the Higgs boson properties with respect to the diphoton final state.
Currently, as a senior scientist at CEA Saclay, I am leading the development of the MTD DAQ and Precision Clock Distribution system. In addition, with my students, we are developing novel machine learning techniques for object reconstruction and physics analyses.