LPC Distinguished Researcher


Abhijith Gandrakota


Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

What I will be working on:

My research program focuses on uncovering beyond the standard model (BSM) physics. I plan on leading the development and deployment of improved unsupervised machine learning algorithm for anomaly detection implemented in the Level 1 hardware and for 2025 data taking. I am also working with my team to analyze data collected by AXOL1TL. I am working on next generation of multijet search and probing the SM portal to hidden sectors for a comprehensive dark shower exploration.

My role in CMS past and present:

I joined CMS in 2016. As a graduated student, I led Run-2 scouting multijet searches and worked developing Phase-2 L1 Displaced track jet trigger. I have also working on developing and improving the phase-2 displaced tracking, pushing beyond the standard baseline. I served as the convener for Jets+X sub group in Exotica. I am coordinating the development of L1 Anomaly algorithms, co-leading the AXOL1TL team. I currently am co-leading the a bigger team for Run-3 multijet searches.