LPC Distinguished Researcher


Emery Nibigira



What I will be working on:

My research goal is to explore any remaining model space for physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) by pushing the limits of our available detectors. I will be concentrating on searches for BSM particles with unconventional track signatures and with lifetimes that are long compared to Standard Model particles, called long-lived particle. I will continue my activities related to the CMS Outer Tracker (OT) upgrade for Phase 2, including the testing of OT modules and development of the Data Acquisition (DAQ) framework. I will also spend part of my time supporting and training central Data Acquisition (DAQ) shifters at the Fermilab Remote Operating Center (ROC) for the 2025 data taking.

My role in CMS past and present:

I joined CMS in 2020 from the ATLAS experiment and worked on searches for long-lived BSM particles, focusing on signatures with displaced top quarks and as well as signatures with high ionization. For the past years I have been the convener of the Silicon Strip Simulation, Local Reconstruction, and Calibration Group which takes care of the offline reconstruction for the Strip detector and makes sure it is well calibrated. I also have been working intensively on different aspects of the DAQ system of the OT upgrade for Phase 2, including the testing of OT modules and development of the DAQ framework.