Alexey Drozdetskiy
I plan to continue working on ZZ, H->ZZ in particular in 4 and 2 lepton modes. This includes many aspect of the analyses: from MU POG activity (isolation in particular) to detailed, all-steps-analyses starting from developing methods of controlling backgrounds from data, calibrating signal efficiencies from data to analyses optimizations, to systematic effects uncertainties analysis.
One of the main goal working at LPC for me - would be participating in the meeting and discussions at LPC and attracting more people to work together on Higgs searches.
After years (and in parallel) of work on CSC detectors I was working on the following topics:
started same sign leptons SUSY analysis search at CMS (2003), by now it's one of the major SUSY analyses at CMS and one of the first CMS public results on SUSY with limits beyond Tevatron sensitivity (heading Moriond, March 2011)
I was a major contributor to CMS PTDR, chapters on H->ZZ->4l search; GARCON - genetic algo for cuts optimization - used in multiple CMS analyses; statistical issues related to searches (look elsewhere effect in particular)
I'm active in MU POG, isolation expert - developing alternative to T&P method of isolation efficiency calibration (with several advantages over T&P, that lead this method to be used in the first CMS papers instead of T&P and still being used in areas where T&P doesn't work or doesn't work as well). Method I developed called initially Random Cones and currently, more advanced approach called Lepton Kinematics Templates.
I was asked to be a leading person to prepare H->ZZ->2l2nu analysis for collaboration-wide review (2-3 Dec 2010).
I continue to be active in all the areas mentioned above and more.