LPC Fellows



Christos Leonidopoulos

What I will be working on:

In the last year I have been working on building a comprehensive W' search that includes a wide spectrum of decay channels (leptonic, bosonic, hadronic). The goal is to cover as many signatures as possible, and guarantee that the W', if it exists, will be discovered. This approach does not simply increase the analysis efficiency for a new (W'-like) particle discovery; it also provides a more general framework to facilitate cross-checks and the study of systematic effects across different decay channels, should signal-like deviations from the SM expectations be observed.

Recent public results include the most stringent exclusion limits in the world in the leptonic and dibosonic signatures from the analysis of the 2010 and Summer 2011 data (Phys. Lett. B701, 160–179, CMS-PAS-EXO-11-024, CMS-PAS-EXO-11-041). The prospects of a larger 2012 dataset collected at a higher collision energy, combined with the excellent CMS detector and physics performance, offer a unique opportunity for a potential discovery of a new vector boson in the next months. I will be working with my LPC colleagues on delivering the most comprehensive W' search program at the LHC.

My role in CMS past and present:

I have been working on the building and commissioning of the CMS Experiment since January 2005, when I joined the collaboration. In the early years, I contributed to projects that were on the critical path, such as the Data Quality Monitoring and the High-Level Trigger. Starting in Summer of 2007, I served as Deputy Trigger Coordinator for four years, organizing the preparation and deployment of several trigger menus spanning luminosities from 1E27 through 1E33 for the 2009-2011 Runs. In the last few years, I have been working on the search for a new W' boson. Together with my team, we have set the world's most stringent exclusion limits with the 2010-11 data in the leptonic and bosonic channels, and are preparing for a very exciting 2012 Run.