LPC Fellows
What I will be working on:
Exotica and SUSY PAGs, Analysis Tools group, Statistics Committee
- Search for Z' -> ee, mumu
- Search for t' -> l + jets
- Search for light top quark superpartner
- CMS and ROOT statistics tools
List of achievements during your fellowship
- Critical contribution to the Z' -> ee, mumu and to the t' -> l+jets
searches, lead the statistical inference projects in both analyses.
Results are presented at Moriond 2012 and to be published in PRL and PLB
- Performance study of CMS MET reconstruction using events with W,Z
bosons (JME-10-009). Published in JINST.
- Continued work on a number of standard CMS tools for statistical
inference, which are used in many CMS analyses nowadays
Official roles in CMS
- Statistics contact for the Exotica PAG (2010 - present)
- Convener of the Statistics tools group (2011)
- Convener of the Analysis tools group, level 2 (2012-present)