General Guidelines and Policies for the LPC Guests and Visitors (G&V) Program

Goal of the program

The main aim of the Guests and Visitors (G&V) program is to facilitate CMS collaborators to spend time at the LPC and collaborate with other LPC residents/applicants on projects that advance, enrich, and impact the interests of the CMS experiment. Given that the G&V is funded by the U.S. CMS Operations program, proposals must include an operations and/or upgrade component for CMS. A Physics component is encouraged but not required.


The G&V program is open to all CMS members both from U.S. and non-U.S. institutions. This includes students, postdocs, scientists and faculty. Applicants must be employed by a CMS institution during their stay at the LPC.

Duration of stay

The earliest start time for the Spring cycle is May, and for the Fall cycle is October. Durations are typically several weeks up to several months, and not to exceed one year.

During this period, successful applicants are required to be based at the Fermilab LPC where suitable working space will be provided.

International visitors who need a visa should consider applying with a start date which allows for getting the paperwork completed prior to arrival e. g. invitation from Fermilab and visa process.

Expenses covered and Budget guidance

The G&V program can support explicit requests for local expenses while at the LPC including lodging and per-diem. The G&V program does not cover other travel expenses (e.g. air-fare, visas or relocation costs). Support for local transportation will be considered.

Modest buyout requests for faculty from U.S. CMS institutions can also be considered, especially when some support is provided by the applicant's home institution. Institutional overhead will not be paid.

Please note that in accordance with Fermilab requirements, the maximum allowed per diem is lower for any time period in excess of 60 days.

In all cases, we encourage cost sharing by the home institutions.

Structure of the application

The application will be submitted via google form (referenced on the main G&V page) and includes the following information::

  • The objective of the visit(s). An operations and/or upgrade component is required, while a physics component is encouraged but not required
  • Duration of overall visit(s) and total number of days at Fermilab
  • Personnel involved in the project other than the applicant, their role in the project and their location during the period of the applicant's stay at the LPC
  • Budget request listing the items and amounts for which support is requested
  • A CV is required and will be uploaded in the form
  • One or two letters of recommendation (for student and postdoc applications) submitted via the letter upload form link on the main G&V page

  • Faculty or senior applicants:
    • The project description should include a statement of the way their visits will benefit the LPC users at-large and their role in scientific activities of the LPC, namely involvement with activities which go beyond the applicant's own group at the LPC.
  • Postdoctoral applicants:
    • One or two supporting letters for the application by other parties that have a stake in the application is required. These can be from collaborators on the same project, supervisors, CMS managers, convenors, other LPC residents, etc.
  • Student applicants:
    • Students' applications must be submitted by their advisor.
    • One or two supporting letters for the application by other parties that have a stake in the application is required. These can be from collaborators on the same project, supervisors, CMS managers, convenors, other LPC residents, etc.

The application should be submitted online using the form linked from the main Guests & Visitors page.

Recommendation support letters (PDF) should be submitted following instructions on the main Guests & Visitors page.


A one-page report summarizing the work done by the applicant should be submitted at the end of the stay. A presentation of this work at the LPC may be requested.


Previous participants of the LPC G&V program can submit applications for a new term.

Participants awarded during the last two years will be asked to describe the outcomes from their recent participation in the LPC G&V program in their application (max. 200 words).

In addition, a letter is required from one of the contacts from their previous visit about the work done by the applicant during their previous visit. The same person may write a support for the current application in the same letter when appropriate.


In case of questions please contact the LPC coordinators.