LPC Distinguished Researcher


Gabriele Benelli

What I will be working on:

The successful commissioning of the Strip Tracker and its successful operation in Run II will be one of the main goals for my activity as an LPC distinguished researcher, together with the preparation for data analysis of the very first 13TeV data. I plan on enabling LPC residents to get involved in critical operations and calibration activities, training the future Strip tracker expert generation necessary to strengthen the Tracker project and ensure its continued successful operation. With the KU group, after finalizing our current effort on W-associated single top production (tW dilepton channel) with the full 8TeV results, I will join the LPC data analysis efforts in the Higgs and B2G physics analysis group to make a significant contribution on the first Run II data analyses.

My role in CMS past and present:

I’ve re-joined CMS in 2007 as a CERN fellow working on Simulation for the first LHC data-taking. I developed a software performance suite of tools used to track and optimize the CMSSW software and contributed to the definition of the HEPSPEC06 benchmark. In 2010, I joined the Tracker project as a senior postdoctoral researcher at the University of Kansas, developing the first time-based Online to Offline (O2O) of Strip DCS voltage conditions to be used by the Offline reconstruction. Later I became responsible for all Strip O2Os, then became the Strip DB contact person. Since 2013 I am the Strip Calibration, Simulation, Local Reconstruction and DB convener. I became the Strip bad component calibration expert for the Heavy Ion run of 2013, and I am responsible for one of the radiation monitoring analysis (Noise Bias scan) designed to extract and monitor the full depletion voltage of Strip modules. As Strip AlcaDB contact person I participated in the upgrade studies providing Strip conditions for all aging scenarios. I worked in the Top PAG since 2008, originally with the CERN CMG group in the first top pair cross-section measurements (muon+jets final state), then with KU after working with the UFO group on the first cross-section publication, I moved to the Single Top subgroup where we worked on the W-associated single top production (dilepton final state) designing a multivariate analysis (BDT). We published on PRL the evidence paper with the 7TeV dataset and the first observation paper with the first half of the 8TeV dataset.

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