Hongxuan Liu
I will work on searches for new physics in multijets and missing momentum final state. My primary focuses are to improve the top tagger used in the 8 TeV analysis, use the top tagger for gluino-mediated stop production and direct stop production covering topologies with different branching fraction of the stop decays. In addition, I will continue my work related to the HCAL reconstruction, simulation and validation.
I joined CMS in March 2010. In 2012, I coordinated the MET scanners' team to monitor and identify the anomalous MET events in data and validate various filters to remove them. Throughout my years in CMS, I have been working on the inclusive all-hadronic SUSY search with multiple jets and MET. In 2013, I have been leading the all-hadronic cut-and-count direct stop search. Since September 2014, I have been co-convening the HCAL CMSSW software sub-group.