Maurizio Pierini
The largest fraction of my time is taken by the preparation for Run II within PPD. But I make the effort to find some time for analysis in EXO and SUSY, finishing the studies we started in Run I and preparing the Run II analysis campaign. I also work on side projects outside CMS:
In CMS, I am the coordinator of the Physics Performances and Dataset (PPD) area. Our task is to provide CMS with the detector conditions (alignment and calibrations), assure the quality of our data (online and offline data quality monitoring and certification), and to validate the performances of the software for generation, simulation, reconstruction, and physics-object definition. It is our task to coordinate the Monte Carlo production and the dataset (re)processing, including the definition of primary datasets, and skims for physics and detector studies. Being responsible of the datasets, we also take care of data-flow related applications like hotline, event display, and scouting.
I am also active on new physics searches, both in SUSY and exotica. Since the beginning of Run I I worked on inclusive SUSY searches with the razor, which we extended to include GMSB SUSY searches, searches for SUSY with substructure, and Dark Matter direct production. With EXO, I am active on resonance searches to final states with (not only) jets, such dijet, and VV (V=W,Z) searches. Focusing on high-pT resonances, we developed W/Z jet taggers based on substructure, which we recently extended to include final states with Higgs bosons.