Jamie Antonelli
As an LPC fellow, I will help lead the phase I forward pixel upgrade efforts here at FNAL, participating in both module qualification and full system testing. I also plan to participate in commissioning the full system at CERN in the fall of 2016. Additionally, I will continue my work towards designing a forward pixel detector for the CMS phase II upgrade, leading the simulation efforts as well as participating in sensor R&D here at FNAL. And of course, I plan to discover a new long-lived particle through its decays to displaced leptons at 13 TeV.
I joined CMS as a graduate student in 2007. I participated in the original commissioning of the CMS ECAL and wrote the DQM software for photon reconstruction. My thesis was a search for the Higgs decaying to tau lepton pairs (we didn't end up seeing it way back then). As a postdoc on CMS, I have focused on searches for BSM particles with long lifetimes, performing a search in a displaced dilepton state at 8 TeV. I've also served as the HepData contact for the B2G group and the B-tagging contact for the EXO group.