Ketino Kaadze
I plan to search for new phenomena in early data of Run 2. Tau leptons, the heaviest in the SM, will play a very important role in this physics program, as a number of extensions of the SM predict processes that involve these particles. Due to the relative complexity of data analyses involving tau leptons, a large phase space of these models remains unexplored to date. I also plan to work on the endcap hadron calorimeter Phase I upgrade, which is intended to take place during technical stop between 2016-2017.
I am a member of the CMS collaboration since 2006. I have worked on installation and commissioning of the electromagnetic calorimeter during 2007-2009 years. During the Run I of the LHC, I worked on search for neutral Higgs bosons in events with pair of tau leptons, probing both the SM and MSSM scenarios. I also performed extensive search for pair-production of massive scalar particles, leptoquarks or R-parity violating top squarks, in events containing pair of tau leptons and multiple jets. During the first long shutdown I worked on upgrade of the HO calorimeter. I was in charge of the first commissioning of the new photodetectors, SiPMs, of the upgraded HO. I am serving as the co-convener of the EXOTICA Leptons+Jets subgroup starting form 2014. During 2014-2015 I am working on Phase I upgrade of the HBHE front-end electronics being responsible for the design and pre-production of the LED pulser board and the calibration unit.