LPC Distinguished Researcher


Yuri Gershtein



What I will be working on:

I will focus on the long-lived particle searches, using novel analysis methods for Run 2, improving reconstruction for Run 3, and incorporating non-pointing tracks into the L1 trigger for HL-LHC

My role in CMS past and present:

I did my first work on CMS back in 1994-96 when I participated in beam tests of the Quartz Fiber calorimeter and performed simulation work to determine physics requirements to forward calorimetry in CMS. After re-joining CMS in 2005 I concentrated on software for photon reconstruction and identification, searches for new physics with photons, convened EXO High pT photon and SUSY Photon groups, and contributed to the Higgs discovery in di-photon mode. Currently, I am a co-convener of the CMS Upgrade OuterTracker System Tests group.