Aram Apyan
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
My research is focused on exploring the electroweak sector of SM and searches of BSM physics at the energy frontier. During my time as DR, I will work on finalizing the publications of the full Run 2 results for vector boson scattering (VBS) processes, including searches of extended Higgs sector and anomalous quartic gauge couplings, and improving the analysis methods for the future measurements with Run 3 data. The detection and measurements of the momenta of the forward jets and missing transverse energy are crucial components for these VBS/VBF measurements in challenging high luminosity environments. Machine learning techniques, such as deep neural networks, graph networks, etc. are powerful tools for pattern recognition and I will explore these techniques for extracting the maximum available information from the HCAL/HGCAL calorimeters at HL-LHC conditions.