LPC Distinguished Researcher


Ruchi Chudasama



What I will be working on:

  • Development of end-to-end particle reconstruction and identification techniques for boosted hadronic taus and electrons using advanced deep-learning techniques
  • Employ end-to-end techniques to search for new physics specifically for light mass pseudoscalar to four hadronic taus as well as four electron decay of the Higgs boson
  • On the hardware side, I will participate in the testing of readout electronics for HGCAL and further automate the testing process as well as in the HGCAL cassette assembly as it evolves toward the final design

My role in CMS past and present:

  • Convener of Heavy-ion forward subgroup (2019-2021)
  • Convener of Diffractive and exclusive subgroup of the Forward and Small-x QCD group (2018)
  • Led the first analysis to search for light-by-light scattering process, dedicated low pT (2-10 GeV) photon reconstruction and identification, energy regressions
  • Search for axion-like particles, measurement of exclusive vector meson (upsilon and J/psi) cross-sections, and observation of tau-pair production in heavy-ion collisions
  • Hardware: Assembly and characterization of the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC)