LPC Distinguished Researcher


Ruchi Chudasama



What I will be working on:

  • Development of end-to-end particle reconstruction and identification techniques for boosted hadronic taus and electrons using advanced deep-learning techniques.
  • Employ end-to-end techniques to search for new physics specifically for light mass pseudoscalar to four hadronic taus as well as four electron decay of the Higgs boson.
  • On the hardware side, I will participate in the HGCAL silicon module testing before it goes for the cassette assembly.

My role in CMS past and present:

  • Convener of Heavy-ion forward subgroup (2019-2021)
  • Convener of Diffractive and exclusive subgroup of the Forward and Small-x QCD group (2018)
  • Led the first analysis to search for light-by-light scattering process, dedicated low pT (2-10 GeV) photon reconstruction and identification, energy regressions
  • Search for axion-like particles, measurement of exclusive vector meson (upsilon and J/psi) cross-sections, and observation of tau-pair production in heavy-ion collisions
  • Hardware: Assembly and characterization of the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC)