Sean-Jiun Wang
As part of the ongoing effort of measuring the Higgs boson’s properties, I will be searching for a Higgs decaying to bottom quarks when produced in association with a Z boson which decays to neutrinos. My physics analysis will contribute towards a precision measurement of the Higgs coupling to bottom quarks and may be extended to searches for exotic particles whose final states exhibit large missing energy, all of which makes for a neat thesis project. I will also begin my involvement in the research and development of the Level 1 Track-Trigger to be deployed as part of CMS’s Phase-II upgrade.
I began working with the CMS collaboration as an undergraduate student at the University of Florida, performing trigger efficiency studies for the CSC Track-Finder group. One particular study on the feasibility of applying regression techniques in the TMVA package for muon momentum assignment ignited my passion for machine learning. Now a graduate student of the same university, I've relocated to CERN for the time being to begin working on my physics analysis and data quality monitoring for the emulated track-finder.