Advanced Physics Workshops
The LPC conducts regular workshops that bring together experimentalists and theorists to discuss various topics of interest for the scientific community.
2024 Advanced Physics Workshops
- LPC EFT Workshop at Notre Dame (April 22-26, 2024) - Indico Agenda
- CMS Topical Workshop on Off-shell Higgs Boson Production at the LPC (March 25-29, 2024) - Indico Agenda
2023 Advanced Physics Workshops
- CMS EFT Workshop at the LPC (September 5-6, 2023) - Indico Agenda
- CMS Open Data Workshop at the LPC (July 11-14, 2023) - Indico Agenda
2022 Advanced Physics Workshops
- FastSim Days 2022 Workshop at the LPC (October 11-12, 2022) - Indico Agenda
- ML@L1 Trigger Workshop at the LPC (October 10-14, 2022) - Indico Agenda
2020 Advanced Physics Workshops
- CMS Open Data for Theorists Workshop (September 30-October 2, 2020) - Indico Agenda
- 3rd Rucio Community Workshop at the LPC (March 10-12, 2020) - Indico Agenda
2019 Advanced Physics Workshops
- LPC Workshop on Physics Connections between the LHC and EIC (November 13-15, 2019) - Indico Agenda
- Fall19 CMS Offline and Computing Week at the LPC (October 21-24, 2019) - Indico Agenda
- HCAL Days at the LPC Workshop (September 16-18, 2019) - Indico Agenda
- Fast Machine Learning Workshop (September 10-13, 2019) - Indico Agenda
- Multibosons at the Energy Frontier Workshop (July 25-26, 2019) - Indico Agenda
- Top Quark Physics at the Precision Frontier Workshop (May 15-17, 2019) - Indico Agenda
- Analysis Description Languages for the LHC Workshop (May 6-8, 2019) - Indico Agenda
2018 Advanced Physics Workshops
- Machine Learning for Jet Physics Workshop (Nov 14-16, 2018) - Indico Agenda
- Boosted Objects for New Physics Searches Workshop at the LPC (Nov 12-13, 2018) - Indico Agenda
- Higgs Combine Tool Workshop at the LPC (Oct 31 - Nov 1, 2018) - Indico Agenda
- HGCAL General Meeting at the LPC (Oct 17-18, 2018) - Indico Agenda
- HL-LHC Outer Tracker Module Assembly and Testing Workshop at the LPC (Sep 27-28, 2018) - Indico Agenda
- Double Higgs Production at Colliders Workshop (Sep 4-8, 2018) - Indico Agenda
- CMS ETL timing ASIC Mini-workshop (Jun 13, 2018) - Indico Agenda
- Introductory Hands-on Workshop on Tracker Operations and DQM (Feb 19-23, 2018) - Indico Agenda
- Top Quark Physics at the Precision Frontier (Jan 16-18, 2018) - Indico Agenda
2017 Advanced Physics Workshops
- (Re)interpreting LHC new physics search results: tools and methods (Oct 16-18, 2017) - Indico Agenda
- Pixel Testbeam Training Workshop (Aug 23-25, 2017) - Indico Agenda
- Future of collider searches for Dark Matter at the LPC (Jul 27-28, 2017) - Indico Agenda
- CMS B2G Workshop at the LPC (May 31-Jun 1, 2017) - Indico Agenda
- (3rd) FastSim Days 2017 (Feb 13-14, 2017) - Indico Agenda
2016 Advanced Physics Workshops
- Jet Substructure "Planning for the future" Event at the Fermilab LPC (Nov 30-Dec 1, 2016) - Indico Agenda
- Phase 2 Readiness for Physics with Full Simulation Event @ LPC (Oct 27-Oct 28, 2016) - Indico Agenda
- 8th INFIERI Workshop: INFIERI goes to USA (Oct 17-Oct 21, 2016) - Indico Agenda
- HCAL DPG Event at the LPC (Sep 29-Sep 30, 2016) - Indico Agenda
- Argonne & Fermilab host: Beyond Leading Order Calculations on HPCs (Sep 22-Sep 23, 2016) - Indico Agenda
- Electroweak and Compressed SUSY Event at the LPC (Apr 27-29, 2016) - Indico Agenda
- Special CMS B2G Event at the LPC (Apr 7-8, 2016) - Indico Agenda
2015 Advanced Physics Workshops
2014 Advanced Physics Workshops
- CMS SUSY Event at the LPC (November 20-22, 2014) - Indico Agenda
- BSM Higgs workshop @ LPC (November 3-5, 2014) - Indico Agenda
- 2nd CMS B2G Run2 Preparation Event at the LPC (October 22-23, 2014) - Indico Agenda
- CMS First joint Tracker and Trigger Forum for HL-LHC (September 18-19, 2014) - Indico Agenda
- CMS HCAL DPG Forum at LPC (September 11-13, 2014) - Indico Agenda
- Next steps in the Energy Frontier - Hadron Colliders, Workshop at LPC (August 25-28, 2014) - Indico Agenda
- Upgrade TP Performance Studies Group Workshop LPC (May 8-9, 2014) - Indico Agenda
- LPC Workshop: JetMET at High Pile-up, Preparation for LHC Run II (January 27-28, 2014) - Indico Agenda
2013 Advanced Physics Workshops
- QCD Tools for LHC Physics: From 8 to 14 TeV. What is needed and why? (November 14-15, 2013) - Main page, Indico Agenda
- SUSY at the Near Energy Frontier (November 11-13, 2013) - Indico Agenda
- LPC Workshop on Exotic Top Partners (September 26-27, 2013) - Indico Agenda
- LPC Workshop on Gauge Boson Couplings (August 19-20, 2013) - Indico Agenda
- 5th TLEP Workshop (TLEP13) (July 25-26, 2013) - Indico Agenda
2012 Advanced Physics Workshops
- GED (Global Event Description) workshop @FNAL (August 20-22, 2012) - Indico Agenda
2011 Advanced Physics Workshops
- Confronting Theory with Experiment: Puzzles, Challenges and Opportunities in the LHC Era (November 17-18, 2011) - Main page, Indico Agenda
- Standard Model Benchmarks at High-Energy Hadron Colliders (June 15-17, 2011) - Indico Agenda (DESY)
2010 Advanced Physics Workshops
Some of these events have been organized in conjunction with some of our sister organizations:
- The LHC Physics Center at CERN
- The Terascale Analysis Center at DESY
- The ATLAS Analysis Center at Argonne
- The Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD, CTEQ
Questions, suggestions can be emailed to the LPC Events Committtee
Webpage maintained by Gabriele Benelli.