Advanced Physics Workshops

The LPC conducts regular workshops that bring together experimentalists and theorists to discuss various topics of interest for the scientific community.

2025 Advanced Physics Workshops

2024 Advanced Physics Workshops

  • USCMS DMWM Workshop at the LPC (November 11-13, 2024) - Indico Agenda
  • CMS ML Hackathon: Anomaly Detection for monitoring, validation and discovery (July 1-3, 2024) - Indico Agenda
  • LPC EFT Workshop at Notre Dame (April 22-26, 2024) - Indico Agenda
  • CMS Topical Workshop on Off-shell Higgs Boson Production at the LPC (March 25-29, 2024) - Indico Agenda

2023 Advanced Physics Workshops

  • CMS EFT Workshop at the LPC (September 5-6, 2023) - Indico Agenda
  • CMS Open Data Workshop at the LPC (July 11-14, 2023) - Indico Agenda

2022 Advanced Physics Workshops

  • FastSim Days 2022 Workshop at the LPC (October 11-12, 2022) - Indico Agenda
  • ML@L1 Trigger Workshop at the LPC (October 10-14, 2022) - Indico Agenda

2020 Advanced Physics Workshops

  • CMS Open Data for Theorists Workshop (September 30-October 2, 2020) - Indico Agenda
  • 3rd Rucio Community Workshop at the LPC (March 10-12, 2020) - Indico Agenda

2019 Advanced Physics Workshops

  • LPC Workshop on Physics Connections between the LHC and EIC (November 13-15, 2019) - Indico Agenda
  • Fall19 CMS Offline and Computing Week at the LPC (October 21-24, 2019) - Indico Agenda
  • HCAL Days at the LPC Workshop (September 16-18, 2019) - Indico Agenda
  • Fast Machine Learning Workshop (September 10-13, 2019) - Indico Agenda
  • Multibosons at the Energy Frontier Workshop (July 25-26, 2019) - Indico Agenda
  • Top Quark Physics at the Precision Frontier Workshop (May 15-17, 2019) - Indico Agenda
  • Analysis Description Languages for the LHC Workshop (May 6-8, 2019) - Indico Agenda

2018 Advanced Physics Workshops

  • Machine Learning for Jet Physics Workshop (Nov 14-16, 2018) - Indico Agenda
  • Boosted Objects for New Physics Searches Workshop at the LPC (Nov 12-13, 2018) - Indico Agenda
  • Higgs Combine Tool Workshop at the LPC (Oct 31 - Nov 1, 2018) - Indico Agenda
  • HGCAL General Meeting at the LPC (Oct 17-18, 2018) - Indico Agenda
  • HL-LHC Outer Tracker Module Assembly and Testing Workshop at the LPC (Sep 27-28, 2018) - Indico Agenda
  • Double Higgs Production at Colliders Workshop (Sep 4-8, 2018) - Indico Agenda
  • CMS ETL timing ASIC Mini-workshop (Jun 13, 2018) - Indico Agenda
  • Introductory Hands-on Workshop on Tracker Operations and DQM (Feb 19-23, 2018) - Indico Agenda
  • Top Quark Physics at the Precision Frontier (Jan 16-18, 2018) - Indico Agenda

2017 Advanced Physics Workshops

  • (Re)interpreting LHC new physics search results: tools and methods (Oct 16-18, 2017) - Indico Agenda
  • Pixel Testbeam Training Workshop (Aug 23-25, 2017) - Indico Agenda
  • Future of collider searches for Dark Matter at the LPC (Jul 27-28, 2017) - Indico Agenda
  • CMS B2G Workshop at the LPC (May 31-Jun 1, 2017) - Indico Agenda
  • (3rd) FastSim Days 2017 (Feb 13-14, 2017) - Indico Agenda

2016 Advanced Physics Workshops

  • Jet Substructure "Planning for the future" Event at the Fermilab LPC (Nov 30-Dec 1, 2016) - Indico Agenda
  • Phase 2 Readiness for Physics with Full Simulation Event @ LPC (Oct 27-Oct 28, 2016) - Indico Agenda
  • 8th INFIERI Workshop: INFIERI goes to USA (Oct 17-Oct 21, 2016) - Indico Agenda
  • HCAL DPG Event at the LPC (Sep 29-Sep 30, 2016) - Indico Agenda
  • Argonne & Fermilab host: Beyond Leading Order Calculations on HPCs (Sep 22-Sep 23, 2016) - Indico Agenda
  • Electroweak and Compressed SUSY Event at the LPC (Apr 27-29, 2016) - Indico Agenda
  • Special CMS B2G Event at the LPC (Apr 7-8, 2016) - Indico Agenda

2015 Advanced Physics Workshops

2014 Advanced Physics Workshops

  • CMS SUSY Event at the LPC (November 20-22, 2014) - Indico Agenda
  • BSM Higgs workshop @ LPC (November 3-5, 2014) - Indico Agenda
  • 2nd CMS B2G Run2 Preparation Event at the LPC (October 22-23, 2014) - Indico Agenda
  • CMS First joint Tracker and Trigger Forum for HL-LHC (September 18-19, 2014) - Indico Agenda
  • CMS HCAL DPG Forum at LPC (September 11-13, 2014) - Indico Agenda
  • Next steps in the Energy Frontier - Hadron Colliders, Workshop at LPC (August 25-28, 2014) - Indico Agenda
  • Upgrade TP Performance Studies Group Workshop LPC (May 8-9, 2014) - Indico Agenda
  • LPC Workshop: JetMET at High Pile-up, Preparation for LHC Run II (January 27-28, 2014) - Indico Agenda

2013 Advanced Physics Workshops

  • QCD Tools for LHC Physics: From 8 to 14 TeV. What is needed and why? (November 14-15, 2013) - Main page, Indico Agenda
  • SUSY at the Near Energy Frontier (November 11-13, 2013) - Indico Agenda
  • LPC Workshop on Exotic Top Partners (September 26-27, 2013) - Indico Agenda
  • LPC Workshop on Gauge Boson Couplings (August 19-20, 2013) - Indico Agenda
  • 5th TLEP Workshop (TLEP13) (July 25-26, 2013) - Indico Agenda

2012 Advanced Physics Workshops

  • GED (Global Event Description) workshop @FNAL (August 20-22, 2012) - Indico Agenda

2011 Advanced Physics Workshops

  • Confronting Theory with Experiment: Puzzles, Challenges and Opportunities in the LHC Era (November 17-18, 2011) - Main page, Indico Agenda
  • Standard Model Benchmarks at High-Energy Hadron Colliders (June 15-17, 2011) - Indico Agenda (DESY)

2010 Advanced Physics Workshops

Some of these events have been organized in conjunction with some of our sister organizations:

  • The LHC Physics Center at CERN
  • The Terascale Analysis Center at DESY
  • The ATLAS Analysis Center at Argonne
  • The Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD, CTEQ

Questions, suggestions can be emailed to the LPC Events Committtee

Webpage maintained by Gabriele Benelli.