Topic of the Week

Daniel Elvira

July 12th, 16th, 19th

Day Speaker Topic Where
July 12th at 2pm Daniel Elvira (Fermilab) Motivation, Physics Objects, Pileup WH11 NE (Sunrise)
July 16th at 2pm Daniel Elvira (Fermilab) Elements of a Data Analysis and their Integration in a Search Result WH11 NE (Sunrise)
July 19th at 3pm Daniel Elvira (Fermilab) Recent CMS Results and Future Directions WH11 NE (Sunrise)

Descriptions / About the scientists

Guest: Daniel Elvira
Date: July 12th, 16th and 19th
Time: 2pm, 2pm and 3pm respectively
Topic:Motivation, Physics Objects, Pileup/ Elements of a Data Analysis and their Integration in a Search Results/ Recent CMS Results and Future Directions
Where: WH11 NE (Sunrise)


This series of three lectures focus on the concepts and elements associated with a SUSY search, how they are integrated into a result and eventually a discovery or a limit. It includes a review of the relevant detector properties and reconstruction techniques to identify the physics objects present in the SUSY final states. The origin of the main backgrounds is explained, followed by a description of many of the data driven methods used to estimate them. An overview of the CMS results at the seminar level includes a detailed description of the sensitive variables utilized in the searches.

About the scientists

Daniel Elvira is a scientist at Fermilab and a member of the D0, Geant4 (detector simulation), and CMS Collaborations. In CMS, he led the simulation effort through the development and validation stage. Later, he served as co-convener of the jet and missing transverse energy physics object group. During the 2010-2011 period, he co-led the CMS Hadronic SUSY group, coordinating the searches that yielded the most stringent limits on SUSY particle production using the 2010-2011 data samples