Topic of the Week

Liantao Wang

March 27th and 28th

Day Speaker Topic Where
Mar 27th at 3pm Liantao Wang (UChicago) Searching for light dark matter at colliders WH11 NE (Sunrise)
Mar 28th at 2pm Liantao Wang (UChicago) Higgs signal and new physics implications WH11 NE (Sunrise)

Descriptions / About the scientists

Guest: Liantao Wang
Date: March 27th and 28th
Time: 2pm and 3:30pm respectively
Topic: Searching for light dark matter at colliders / Higgs signal and new physics implications.
Where: WH11 NE (Sunrise)

Searching for light dark matter at colliders

I will review the potential of searching for light dark matter at the LHC. It has been pointed out that monojet + MET can provide a stronger probe than the direct detection experiments. I will also argue that the force mediator between the dark matter and the Standard Model sector is usually within the reach of high energy colliders. As an example, I will describe combining the collider searchs of di-jet resonances and the monojet+MET to give a better discovery potential.

Higgs signal and new physics implications

I will give an overview of implications of current Higgs searches on new physics scenarios, such as supersymmetry. I will also describe model independent approaches to probe new physics with Higgs phenomenology.

About the scientists

I got my PhD from University of Michigan, then went on to postdoc positions at University of Wisconsin and Harvard. I was on the faculty of Princeton university, and I am now an assistant professor at the university of Chicago.