...Higgs search, which will be a topic of great interest in 2011, when LHC integrated luminosity will start...
...to continue working on ZZ, H->ZZ in particular in 4 and 2 lepton modes. This includes many aspect of the analyses...
...the opportunity to continue the study of muon object selection. This research is an especially important cross-group project...
...extend my studies of events containing muons + MET + jets + b-jets in the final state to obtain a well understood top quark pair sample...
...focus on searches for physics beyond the standard model. I am specifically interested in final states that include substantial missing...
...My goal is to study data samples dominant by top quarks, and search for a possible admixture due to new physics processes...
...working on Higgs searches at CMS. Specifically on channels that include associated production of vector-bosons and the Higgs decaying to pairs of b-quarks...
...searches for exotic phenomena beyond the standard model with particular interest in di-lepton and quasi-two-body topologies...
...the 2010 search for a new heavy charged boson with pp collisions at 7 TeV (arXiv:1103.0030)...
...continuing my search for the Higgs boson in its decay to two b quarks. This channel has been known to be one of the most challenging for the Higgs search at the LHC...
...working on the search for a low mass Standard Model Higgs decaying to bbar and produced in association with a vector boson (W,Z)...
...working on new physics searches with jets and understanding the trigger performance in the new high-pileup regime we expect in 2011/2012...
...plan to perform searches for new physics signatures with jets with the CMS detector...
...working on a search for b-jet resonances. This interesting signature has not been studied directly at a hadron collider...
...working on the search for W' boson which decays to a top quark and a bottom quark...
...working on the Higgs search in the ZZ decay channel which has a crucial importance in the whole Higgs mass spectrum...
...working on the search for new physics beyond the standard model in particular for supersymmetry...
...concentrating on the search for the Higgs boson in di-photon mode, and associated tasks involving photon reconstruction...
...interested in starting up a new analysis technique for CMS using discriminating variables based on matrix elements of the various physics processes...
...continue searches for exotic processes that are not predicted by the standard model. I plan to still be active in the Trigger Studies Group (TSG)...
...focus on using the simple yet striking signature of a monojet balanced by missing energy to search for physics beyond the standard model...
...continuing my long-standing activity in hadronic SUSY searches as well as my contributions to Higgs analyses...
...I will be working on projects associated with BTV POG, Exotica PAG, Higgs PAG...
...working on mostly on searches, in particular Higgs searches (SM and other) and BSM phenomena such as monojet/dark matter searches...
...working on improving photon identification techniques. New tools for improving the photon identification...
...working on the search for a low-mass Standard Model Higgs boson produced in association with an electroweak vector boson (W,Z)...
...continue searching for signatures of physics beyond standard model in all hadronic final state in proton-proton collision events...
University of Minnesota
Kansas State University
Texas A&M University
U. Wisconsin - Madison
U of Florida
University of Minnesota
Fermilab & University of Illinois Chicago
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Florida State University
Boston University
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Melllon University
Wayne State
Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln